chaper 21: sweet surrender

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chapter photo creds: tcn1205 on tumblr

chapter title from i don't want to miss a thing by aerosmith

May 1974

Years pass, people grow up, and it becomes harder and harder for Applejack to stay in the same city when she herself hasn't changed in decades. She packs what little she still has in her apartment and buys a train ticket to Nashville, Tennessee. Though before she goes, she stops by a cemetery just outside her hometown. She brings with her a small bouquet of flowers and places them in front of a large gravestone that says–

"Big Macintosh"
Brother, Husband, Father

One of her biggest regrets is losing touch with her family. After she practically became immortal, she decided that it would be in everyone's best interest if they simply forgot about her. It would have been too difficult to explain why she would now never age, why she couldn't be a part of their lives anymore. Plus, with being a hunter, she would have just put them in more danger. Now she wonders if she should have made a different choice– several different choices.

"Hey, Big Mac," Applejack says, kneeling down in front of the grave. "Long time no see, huh? Sorry I haven't visited much."

Silence. No one would respond, of course, but somewhere deep in Applejack's heart, wished someone would.

"I quit my job," she continues. "I, uh– didn't think it was very good for me. Recently, at least. Plus, they're doin' just fine without me."

The Order was thriving. With the creation of new technology and an influx of young hunters, more branches were being established and there was much less ground to cover when it came to fighting vamps. Applejack's position became near obsolete, since they no longer needed elaborate plans. Even so, Applejack knew it was best for her if she left.

She was being sucked in, little by little. She could feel herself slipping away, losing track of the days, forgetting to eat and sleep properly. Applejack made a promise to Rarity that she would try and live a good life. Leaving the Order was the first step, but it was a much harder journey than she originally anticipated.

Applejack talked to Big Mac for a long while, alone in the cemetery. Her brother was never a man of many words so it became easy to pretend that he was sitting next to her, silently listening to her speak. There was a heavy weight on her chest that felt a little lighter after she was finished talking, and it gave her enough motivation to finally take the next step she needed in her life.

Before she leaves, she makes sure to pack as many of Rarity's new line of clothes that she tailored specifically for Applejack, stuffing them all into her various duffle bags and backpacks. With one last look at the city around her, Applejack steps onto the train and doesn't look back.


February 2024

"Do you regret it?"

Rarity opens her eyes to look up at Applejack. Her head was resting on the other woman's shoulder as the two of them were lounging on the couch together. It was their third or fourth meetup in the past couple weeks, and they grew more comfortable around one another with each passing moment.

"Regret what?" She asks.

"Y'know, becoming a vampire."

Rarity thinks she's pondered every inch of that question for years on end. Some nights the answer is simple and clear, but on others she'll find herself sitting in the corner of the room, the question turning itself over in her head for hours.

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