chapter 25: this love came back to me

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title from this love by taylor swift
chapter photo credits: @stevetwisp on tumblr


April 2024

It takes an entire week of waiting beside a hospital bed before Cadence finally wakes up. Rainbow Dash is the one by her side when it happens, but when everyone else arrives less than an hour later, the news is not as pleasant. Apparently when Cadence had fallen in the fight, the fall had greatly damaged her spinal cord, rendering her completely unable to walk.

"I want to start by telling you that you can recover," the doctor says, "but the process won't be easy or short."

Everyone in the room holds their breath as they wait for Cadence to respond. The director seems calm and put together, but a keen eye would be able to see the anguish and discomposure on the woman's face.

"How long do you think the recovery process will take?" Cadence asks.

"Around six months to a year."

Cadence sighs and doesn't speak for a time, but when she finally does, she looks right at Sunset Shimmer. "You know what this means."

"I'll leave you all to discuss, but I'll be back in a little while to run a few more tests," the doctor says before nodding at them and heading out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"I know what it means," Sunset finally responds. "I'm more than ready to take on your duties. You know that." 

Cadence gives a small melancholy smile. "I know. I just didn't realize the time would come so soon."

"You're not retiring forever," Applejack reassures. "Just till you're up and walkin' again."

Rarity stays silent at the side of the room, guilt still eating at her. If she had only been more careful, more watchful. If she had been quicker to move out of the way, maybe Cadence wouldn't have had to step in when she had. If she had just—


Cadence's voice pulls Rarity from her thoughts, and her eyes flicker over to the woman still sitting in the hospital bed. Even in her compromised state, she still commanded a presence and respect that was commendable.

"I'd like to speak to you in private," Cadence says before looking around at everyone else in the room. "If that's alright with all of you."

Everyone nods, slowly filtering out of the room. Applejack is the last to leave, and puts a comforting hand on Rarity's shoulder, giving it a little squeeze before heading out. But even when they were alone, Rarity found that she still lacked the right words to express what she was feeling, so she says the only thing she can.

"I'm sorry."

Cadence tilts her head. "What for?"

"I'm the reason you're here," Rarity says, confused. "If I had just–"

"Alright, stop," Cadence interrupts. "You shouldn't feel guilty for something that I'm not even blaming you for. I made the decision and I don't regret it."

Rarity is taken aback by the words. "For the longest time I thought you were itching to get rid of me."

Cadence was the director of an organization that dedicated their time to killing vampires. Rarity should've been her greatest threat, not someone who was worthy of saving. Was this truly the same woman who would have had her head only months ago?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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