001 blood on a ring finger

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blood on a ring finger

"SO your mom is like actually in a cell. locked up, like behind bar."



"who's gonna be her lawyer?"

"i don't know, i mean my dads new girlfriend is one so maybe she could."

"and we'll stop there" said the director.

charlotte snapped out of character and turned her direction away from antonia, who plays ginny. currently, she was sat doing the table read for season three of one of her shows, ginny&georgia as one of the main characters, abby. she hasn't been back with this crew since early last year for season two, so it was nice to see them all again finally, even though she's realized she's more close with her a good girls guide to murder cast, but the second season for that has even started writing yet.

"alright, we'll see you all next week for costume checks," she heard the director say as she grabbed her stuff off the table and tucked her script for episode one into her bag.

it's been a week since that night at matthew's where her dad called her. and still, he hasn't called back, texted, nothing. of course that meant her mom hasn't either, but not like that was unexpected. so it's been a difficult week obviously but not just for charlotte. she's noticed gracie has been a little too much in her own head lately, not talking as much and always staring at charlotte deep in thought, not in adoration like usual. she's been taking with olivia again and things are back to normal with them, but then again charlotte and gracie never had that many normal days between them anyways.

however, gracie's birthday was coming up in a couple days and that's all charlottes been able to the think about. she and olivia had it all planned out already, a party in olivia's huge house and two perfect presents from charlotte. the first one was a little overboard but with the amount of money charlottes made from a good girls guide to murder, a weekend trip to paris together was no problem at all. the second one, gracie would have to find that out in private in charlottes room.

"charlotte, wanna come hangout with felix and i?" antonia asked as she walked with her to the parking lot.

"i can't, i'm got a few errands to run and then i'm seeing gracie," charlotte replied. "but i'll see you guys at the cafe tomorrow."

"hey how come we haven't gotten to meet gracie yet," sara, who plays max, pouted.

"ah well charlotte just doesn't like to share," antonia smirked.

"okay, just because i didn't give you marcus' number one time," charlotte rolled her eyes, knocking her elbow into antonia with a chuckle. "anyways bye, cya tomorrow," charlotte called out as she dipped into her car.

she yawned, wanting nothing more than to crawl into gracie's arms and take her first of many naps of the week. unfortunately, she had to go pick up groceries first which made her drop her head to the wheel and let out an agonizing grown. she sighed, pulling out her phone to text gracie since they haven't talked since charlotte left her apartment last night.


hey i'm off work now, should
be at yours by 5?

ok sounds good

when you get here
i kinda needa talk to u abt smth
important if that's cool?

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