003 suppression

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"AH look what the shark dragged in," charlotte sang with tease, pointing down at the two figures emerging into the light, looking up.

it was now 10pm and charlotte, caleb, sadie, and matthew were slumped on the roof of sadie's house getting absolutely wasted. sure, the roof wasn't the safest option, especially while drinking, but charlotte was obsessed with how cold it was out tonight, laying on her back in just a bikini top and matthew's board shorts and her hair pushed back with a brooklyn snapback hat, looking like some masc frat girl.

"it's look what the cat dragged in, not shark, you dumbass," matthew murmured, sloshing alcohol in his mouth.

"took you two long enough!" caleb called down as he steadied the ladder from the top for jude and marcus to climb up.

"yeah well this fucker had us pull over so he could flirt with some girls standing in the gas station parking lot," jude scoffed, taking caleb's hand and gettting pulled up.

"hey, they were confused on how to work the pump, might as well show em how it's done," marcus said, boosting himself up and rolling over onto his back right next to charlotte. "how you doing romeo?"

charlotte gave him a sluggish grin, "absolutely terrible."

he rolled on top of her to engulf her into a hug, despite his heavy muscles and tall figure, crushing her.

"can't— can't breath," she sputtered, shoving marcus off her and gasping to refill her lungs. she sat up now and bobbed her head over to jude who was staring at her. "what?"

"... i'm sorry," he said. "you'll be okay though."

charlotte rolled her eyes, "still fucking sucks," she knocked back her can and watched jude crouch down to hug her more comforting than how marcus did.

she closed her eyes, basking in the safety of her brothers arms and holding onto his wrists with his arms wrapped around her collar from behind. sometimes she forgets her twin will always love her, unlike others. and she's so fucking grateful for that, because she'd want no one else as her jude.

he pulled away and grabbed a drink from one of the six packs, cracking it open and clinking it into charlotte's as he sat next to her in the same position, staring ahead at the same streetlight. both listening to caleb and sadie talk about star constellation — sadie is all for them but caleb is just pretending he's interested in the topic because he liked it when she talks deeply about her interests  —  and letting the tips of their noses turn red in the cold. when they're still like this, they're the most identical in appearance. hazel-green eyes and soft lips, cheekbones that cut in curves to their sharp chines and jaws, brows that emphasize their delicate and gentle aura's, all supporting their look of being in the same deep thoughts and unreadable emotion.

their mom and dad loved moments they appeared more similar looking than ever. their mom would always take a picture to remind herself how beautiful her babies are every time she misses them and wants to look through the photo albums of similar pictures of them from birth to now. their dad would look at them in study, analyzing their features and priding himself on having a perfect appearing family with the perfect and iconic set of twins. sometimes he'd still dress them as similarly as he could for events to boost that even more to the public. always adoring them the most when they were together and in the flesh in front of them.

both of them wondered if their mom and dad missed that, given they haven't seen them or even heard their voices through a call in a week. they used to call them everyday just to hear their voices. now they make up their children's own words and post them in an article with one of those fucking pictures of them looking identical. so now, they seemed to have shifted their adoration into their fake made up images of them in a screen.

this love • gracie abramsWhere stories live. Discover now