019 pointless avoidance

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pointless avoidance

GRACIE stirred awake to the sound of new york on its usual bustling rythem. for a brief moment she almost forgot charlotte was in bed with her until she recognized the feeling of her breathing against her chest. charlotte always clinged onto whatever was nearest in her sleep, either gracie or a pillow, tight and secure like she was holding onto her own heart in an open field, keeping it safe from whatever may come near it. gracie would be lying if she said she didn't miss being valued like that in such meaningless and simple moments.

however, charlotte also has the same sleeping arrangements as gracie's dog, where she'll refuse to get up until she feels like it and will get pissed off the second gracie opens the curtains because god forbid there be light in the room at 2:39pm. with that in mind, she kept still as a rock and just laid awake, admiring what she had right now.

it's been a while since she hasn't woken up in a depressing slump. she didn't even notice this morning already felt entirely different, all she knew so far was that she felt genuinely happy waking up to another day.

she heard the bedroom door creak open and the paws padding against the floor. her heart was full of sorrow when she realized that weenie had slept shut out in the hallway last night, but then again if he was in the same room as his moms last night he would've lost his innocence from what he would've saw so gracie didn't feel too bad. but she did feel bad when weenie started squeaking his shark and hopped onto the bed, wresting the toy around in the loudest manner possible and jumping up and down on charlotte.

charlotte groaned and raised her head, "what the fuck man?" she squinted her glaring eyes at weenie before shifting her attention to the smiling girl next to her, "hi."

"hi," gracie softly said as charlotte laid her head back down and closed her eyes. "no, seriously?"

"i'm tired," charlotte said in defence. "your fault anyways," she mumbled with a shit eating grin.

gracie playfully rolled her eyes, reaching out to comb through charlotte's hair, "mhm. speaking of last night... what're you thinking?"

charlotte squinted her eyes open and shrugged, "what else can i think other than i'm so grateful for it. and that i know i made a decision i trust."

gracie gave a ever so thankful and relieved smile, "yeah?"


of course, both of them wanted to ask each other what that meant now, or more specifically what they were to each other now, but they both remained silent and decided to wait. gracie was too occupied with staring at her dreamlike scenario right now anyways.

"i'm gonna feed ween and make coffee, you can go back to bed," gracie said, knowing damn well that's what charlotte wants.

"you're an angel," charlotte said, already rolling onto her other side and pulling the blankets up closer.

gracie shook her head, biting her lip with a smile and looking at her for a moment before heading downstairs with weenie. the second she left the room and looked down the stairs, she saw the clothes scattered down the steps and the picture that once hung on a wall now appeared to be on the floor. she grinned, a little impressed and pleased with how evident it was of them being that needy for each other last night. so, instead of cleaning it up, she walked down past it so charlotte would soon see it too.

however, opening one of the cabinet doors to grab what she needed to make her coffee, gracie froze and realized one thing that instantly killed her vibe. even though she herself isn't, gracie knew that charlotte was the type of person to want breakfast after waking up. but recently, gracie hasn't been the type of person to want to eat anything. she stared at her practically empty cabinets and fridge, where the only things that laid on the shelves were rice cakes, croutons, almond milk, tea bags, tostino chips, energy bites, and a shit ton of mangos (the only fruit she's been up for stomaching recently).

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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