002 get her back

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get her back

THROUGH blurry tears, charlotte saw that familiar sight of red hair rush up to her and crouch down to face her. her head was throbbing from crying so much and a severe lack of air in her lungs. if this is what dying felt like she wishes it wasn't.

"charlotte," sadie gasped for air from running all the way up. she placed her hands on charlottes's knees. "come here," sadie pulled her in and rubbed small circles along her back as charlotte sobbed into her shoulder all while they sat alone in the stairwell. "what happened hon?"

charlotte shook her head, "can we go home?"

"you're coming with me back to my place, okay? or do you wanna be alone?" she asks, voice laced with worry.

charlotte shook her head and extended her arms out as more tears filled her eyes. sadie embraced her and kissed her temple before pulling her up to her feet and wrapping an arm around her, walking them down the stairs in silence as charlotte let out quiet sobs. when the reached sadie's car, charlotte almost didn't notice caleb sitting in the drivers seat.

"charlie, what happened?" he asked sincerely as sadie climbed into the backseats with her.

"don't think she wants to talk right now cay,'" sadie softly said as she gently pulled charlotte down to rest her head in her lap and curl her legs up on the seats.

she was all out of tears and now just staring ahead at the back of the passenger seat as sadie gently brushed through her hair with her fingers. she couldn't even process a thing she was thinking, she was just listening to the sound of 'ivy' by sombr quietly playing through the speakers as rain pounded against the car. it was like she was wasted and would have to piece together what happened in the morning. part of her hopes that would make this all easier.

caleb and sadie said nothing the whole drive home, other than sadie quietly humming soothing noises as she stroked charlotte's locks. once they arrived back to sadie's charlotte couldn't bear to lift her self up, immediately brimming with tears the second she stepped out the car as sadie draped an arm around her.

"you sleep downstairs on the couch or in the spare room, she's sleeping with me in mine," sadie said to caleb, even though the spare room was made into charlotte's and is her own private bedroom.

"okay," caleb replied, pressing a kiss to sadie's cheek from behind before taking off charlotte's jacket that she was staring to shrug off and placing it on the railing. "night then."

he disappears down the hall as sadie guides charlotte upstairs and to her room. charlotte doesn't even need to ask and just tears off her clothes that still had gracie's apartment lingering on it. weenie's stray hairs were caught all on the sleeves of her soft pink sweater. she threw the sweater to the floor —despite the other half of her wanting to smell it and sleep with it in her arms — and pulled on one of sadie's shirts and sweatpants. sadie was busy lighting a cinnamon candle and trying not to be obvious watching charlotte's every depressing move.

"sadie," charlotte finally hiccuped.


"what do i do?"

sadie climbed into bed with her, "why did she even break up with you?" she cautiously asked.

charlotte's teeth sank into her bottom lip, ripping the layer of lip balm off by herself instead of gracie doing it like usual. she couldn't help but start crying again, feeling an overwhelming amount of emotions crashing onto her after being numb for a good thirty minutes.

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