004 aching

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GRACIE saw the post. and it was worse than taking a stab to the heart. she was smart enough to assume charlotte just posted that because of the post she initially made, where it looks like she didn't give a single fuck as to what she did, but deep down, she wondered if charlotte was already just over her.

but she should be, or at least that's what gracie wants for her, to be moved on so she can liv a better life and with her family. still though, she burst into tears. the comments on charlotte's post were driving her insane, all of them were rambling about why they hadn't been interacting with each others posts, or any of their friends for that matter. she wasn't sure if they should announce their breakup because what would that prove? it'd just make all the effort they took in showing the world they're not a terrible a match look pathetic. but gracie had no hope for them getting back together, so she was still keeping a huge lie up to the public.

when olivia came over after she texted her telling her what she just did, she slapped gracie across the face before hugging her.

"ARE YOU DUMB?" she shouted.

gracie just shrugged her shoulders at that, tears covering her face. she then explained to olivia why she broke up with charlotte, which went terribly since olivia started to cry because to her, her parents have divorced and she'd never see her adoptive mother, charlotte, again.

it's only been three days since the breakup and gracie had been out of bed only to go to the bathroom and feed weenie. she heard olivia knocking on her bedroom door, which was odd since if she broke in through the front door anyways she had no reason to knock on the bedroom door.

"can i come in?" olivia softly asked from the other side of the door.

"kay," gracie said, just at a whisper.

olivia carried in a bag that smelled delicious, gracie recognized the logo on it from the bakery down the street when she glanced over her shoulder.

"i got cinnamon bagels," olivia smiled, sitting criss crossed on the bed, staring at the lump under the blankets. gracie didn't reply, just kept still under the blanket. "c'mon, i know you love these."

"not hungry."

"cie, when's the last time you ate," olivia sadly asked, brushing her fingers through her best friends hair.

gracie shrugged.

olivia sighed before tugging gracie's arm and pulling her up, which didn't take much strength since she's gotten pretty light. gracie quietly argued to let her go, but olivia just shook her head and shoved the bagel into her hands, taking one out for herself as well. olivia analyzed her, her sunken eyes with the worlds darkest circles, her bare face reddened from tear stains and puffed up from endless crying. she's worn the same sweatshirt since the breakup too, it hasn't been taken off since. gracie toyed with the bagel in her hands, staring down at it like it was the grave of her happiness.

"i saw your calendar downstairs. you have a meeting tomorrow to finalize your album," olivia said.

"i know."

"... i mean you've been in bed for like three days, i just wanna make sure you're gonna go."

"of course i'm going olivia," she muttered.

"okay, i just wanted to check since you're like borderline depressed right now..." she chuckled, though gracie gave her a lethal glare. "sorry. but being real, you're not okay."

"i'm fine," gracie softly said. "the breakup was for the best anyways, what do i have to be not okay about?" she swallowed the heavy lump in her throat.

this love • gracie abramsWhere stories live. Discover now