014 it's okay

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it's okay

GRACIE woke up to the sound of shitty morning traffic from the window, and soft steady breathing just below her. she adjusted her eyes to the room and glanced down, freezing entirely at the sight of charlotte curled up at her side with her head on her chest and an arm secured around her waist. her lips with slightly parted and she looked as peaceful as she always does when asleep. her leg was curled up on top of gracie's and gracie's hand was rested on her delicate head. so obviously, the slightest movement gracie would make in an attempt to get up would easily wake her ex up.

"fuck," she whispered to herself. "good fucking job, gracie."

she glanced to the clock on the wall, 9:12am. weenie was asleep at the foot of the couch, along with rue and timber who seemed to have adjusted well to his chaotic ass within the night. gracie reminded herself to let out the breath she's been keeping in and then decided to think over some options. one, she could wake charlotte up and commit to an awkward scramble to get off of each other. two, she could try her best to slip away from underneath charlotte and then mistakenly wake her up in the process. or three, she'll sit and wait until charlotte wakes up. but that last option didn't really count since she knows charlotte takes hours to even adjust to simply waking up, and with her concussion that time will probably be doubled.

but somewhat thankfully, gracie didn't have to pick any of those options.

the front door flung open and gracie watched with a raised brow as olivia stumbled inside and rushed up to the couch.

"liv what the—"

"up up!" olivia announced, ignoring gracie and shaking charlotte by the shoulders.

charlotte's eyes snapped open and her whole body retracts, putting her arms up and squeezing her eyes back shut. gracie's startled face flatlines into something vacant, watching charlotte's reaction with a unsettling weight slamming into her chest.

"oh thank fuck you're alive," olivia exhales, letting go of charlotte's shoulders.

charlotte opens her eyes again with a glare, "liv what the actual fuck," she groans, placing a hand to the side of her pounding head that was just whipped back entirely, making everything dizzy.

"hey, watch the attitude, i just saved your life," olivia pouted with crossed arms. charlotte and gracie just looked at her like she was insane. "uh hello?" she huffed.  "i did some research and apparently your brain can melt if you sleep too long with a concussion."

"um... liv i don't think that's a thing," gracie sincerely said. "i think it's either a coma—"

"just say you're jealous i saved charlotte's life and not you," olivia defended. she drew her eyebrows together and pointed at the two of them, "you're together again?"

charlotte was even more confused, until she began to really take in her surroundings. cuddled up on top of gracie and clung to her like the smallest gust of wind would make her fly away. gracie was looking away, biting her tongue and waiting for charlotte to make a move while acting like she was also just discovering this. both their cheeks were burning red.

the actress quickly pried herself away from gracie, her jaw clenched and her face paled, "no— what? sorry. i—"

"no no, it's all good," gracie rasped out, choking on the words with the lump in her throat. "um, no liv, we're not," she said through a glare.

olivia rocked back on her heels, "my b. soooooo, how you feeling charlotte?" gracie and olivia looked down to the head buried between the cushions and pillows, curled in fetal position.

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