~Fourty Two~

26 1 1

I saw you for the first time in months. 
I noticed that you changed your hair.
It looks nice. 

I also see you found new friends,
more specifically,
a new girl. 

My friends keep telling me:
"Get over him, he's basic"
"You rejected him."
"Remember what he did to you." 

And yeah I remember, and I know that I said no. 
But I hadn't thought that that word would make you disappear. 

I thought I would say no and we'd just stay friends, and talk often.
But clearly you didn't think so. 

You talked to me because you wanted me. 
You talked to me to flirt. 
You talked to me because somewhere in your head you thought I'd say yes. 

But I talked to you because I genuinely wanted to. 

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