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There was a boy, 
he was sweet and sensible,
used his mind far better than the girl he dreamed of ever did,
but that didn't stop him from wanting her. 
No not a bit. 

She was the girl of his dreams, 
and in his mind they were endgame. 
No matter the journey it took to get there it was gonna be him and her, 
it was supposed to be. 
But she chose someone over him every time, 

And yet, 
he still chased her. 
Sent her letters of confessions, 
with his beautiful words of affirmation, 
told her in person, 
over text even. 

And each time,
he was met with rejection. 

He tried to quit on her, 
he truly did, 
went for her best friend, 
but in the end he always came back. 
Right back to her. 

But who did she go off for and distract herself with?
All of his friends. 
Every single one but him. 

It hurt him so incredibly deeply, 
and even now half across the country, 
she takes up his mind. 

He speaks no words to a single girl, 
and he tries so hard not to think of her. 
But fuck, 
he was drawn to the  poison around her. 

Some nights he wishes he never met her, 
others he wishes she was right there, 
he wishes that for once she had chosen him,
and not the others. 
Because none of them loved her quite like him,
none of them knew her quite as deep, 
and yet all of them received a bit of her feelings. 
And god did it sting. 

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