~Fourty Seven~

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What is our world becoming?
Is that what we are?
A world in which has been given too much freedom?

We as people have our rights, but can our rights be wrong?
We have the right to privacy and security,
and yet,
these people of accusation plead not guilty by the rights they were granted.
They plead on the fact of victimization when we know who was holding the gun.

And tell me,
If your child walked up to you and said they had been held at gunpoint,
Would you believe them?

Though many people say they would, they wouldn't. 
Not because their children are liars,
but because they don't believe it to happen.
But look around,

We have criminals given 20 years imprisonment for murder of children.
We have criminals set free, no charge because the judge had found them innocent.
And you know what?
Maybe they were.
But what if they weren't?

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