Chapter 2

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Paisley suddenly felt a cold hand on her shoulder, she heard a deep voice that sounded familiar to her. She moved her dark brown eyes slightly to the right, she noticed it was her dad who stood there beside her.

"Is everything alright Paisley, you seem a bit distracted?" He asked a bit concerned while looking at her. Paisley nodded with a smile to reassure her dad that she was just fine. "Yes everything is fine Dad just was looking.. umm... oh look at the beautiful yellowing of the sunflowers!" Paisley pointed at some nearby flower garden that was near the restaurant. Paisley knew she had to come up with something to make it seem she was distracted by something else and not the person she was looking through the man within the glass window.

Her dad raised his eyebrows a bit but he didn't seem to question it, "Yeah, I assume it is a nice day... I was just checking up on you, and it seems like the restaurant across the street is getting more and more customers by the minute." He says while his brown eyes divert his attention to the glass window when he sees a tall figure. "Oh, Oliver seems to be passing out flyers..." he says after a long pause. "Yep, seems like they are getting more business with the advertising, how about we pass flyers too Dad or maybe even make a discount...?" Paisley asked curiously as her eyes looked at her dad. "That's not a bad idea, how about we post flyers to make everything at least 10% off?" He asked curiously. "Yes let's do it!" Paisley said with excitement in her voice.

Within a couple of hours, Paisley found herself outside with the printed flyers piled up into her arms. She carefully passed out flyers to each person who walked by, "10% off of Gino's restaurant any meal you want!" she shouted out into the crowds of people. Oliver noticed her as he approached, "You're passing our flyers too huh, 10% off isn't such a bad idea, but at Rosa's cafe and restaurant we have a deal where you get a large coffee beverage of your choice for free!" He says as he hands her a flyer with another knowingly smirk on his face.

Oliver knew the exact words to get under her skin, she gave him a fake smile as she didn't grab the flyer from him as he continued to pass out flyers to people who walked by, some people had ignored her as they passed her, some people would grab the flyer and head into the restaurant, some would apologize about not having the time because of work or some type of event. Paisley thought about a comeback to say back to Oliver, she did the same to him handing him a flyer. "Come to Victor's restaurant 10% off just for you, and you'll love the food!" she says while he looks at her as a response. There was a bit of tension between the two so they both remained quiet towards each other.

A couple more hours started to pass as the sun started to go down causing a beautiful orange sunset in the sky. Paisley had passed out all her flyers and Oliver had done the same. Oliver said one last word to her, "I'll see you soon.." while he looked in her direction with his dark blue eyes. "See you soon..." Paisley replied to him as she made her way back to the restaurant.

The atmosphere was different within the restaurant, there was chattering among the customers sitting at the wooden tables chairs, and booths. People were lined up near the host area for sitting. A lot more people came in than this morning. Her dad had a happy look on his face, "Great job Paisley, we had more customers this afternoon than we had this morning!" He pulled her into a tight hug, and she hugged him back. "Paisley you have worked very hard these last few years, you are 24 and you have accomplished so much in helping me with this restaurant since you were 20!" "I think you deserve to go on a trip to the beautiful island of Hawaii, I have already booked you a ticket!" He smiles. "Oh my god, thank you so much Dad you're the best!" Paisley hugged him even tighter.

"You will be leaving tomorrow.." he announced. A couple of hours later it had hit the time for closing the restaurant, everyone had found out that Paisley was leaving the restaurant on the trip as the news spread around. Everyone was doing their last rounds of cleaning up the restaurant which involved cleaning up the kitchen equipment, cleaning the floors, and cleaning the dishes as everything was done within that order and it was a team effort.

People were heading out the door as she announced that they could go home. People started to congratulate her, Nicole had approached her with her curly dark black hair. "Hey Paisley, congrats on going to Hawaii, I hope you have a great time, and thank you for being so nice to me on my first day I appreciate it!" she says with a warm smile. "It is no problem Nicole and thank you!" Paisley smiled back. "I know we have only known each other for a short time but I am going to miss you, and please bring me back a souvenir from Hawaii," Nicole says.

"Of course, I'll bring you back a souvenir!" Paisley nods. "I hope we can be friends?" she asks. "We are already friends Nicole." Nicole then says her goodbyes to Paisley. Paisley was the last person to leave following Nicole, Paisley drove to her apartment in her blue Jeep and used her keys as she arrived at her apartment she shuts the door behind her. She lay down in her comfy bed as tomorrow was going to be a long day of traveling. She will soon find out an unexpected guest will be joining her on the trip soon... I wonder who..?

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