Chapter 6

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Paisley sat down on her chair as watching him chatting to the blue-eyed woman made the minutes of waiting to be agonizing. Her eyesight was directly on him and the lady, her heart was racing as she could feel the pounding in her chest. Oliver moved his lips while looking at the woman, and the lady nodded in response. Oliver was smiling as he made his way over to Paisley. "I got a phone number and a date night." He says holding up his phone with accomplishment. He had these pearly white teeth that shone and highlighted his cheekbones.

"Is everything okay, you seem nervous.." he says as he looks down at her with curiosity. "I'm okay I thought I saw something in the water..." Paisley said trying to come up with an excuse. "Okay just making sure.." Paisley nodded, "So.. what is her name?" she asked. "Her name is Amber." He replied. "How old is she?" He smiled as he responded, "26.." he replied with sudden quickness. "Where is she from?" Paisley asked. "Why are you asking me all these questions, are you jealous or something..?" He said a bit confused. "No, I mean you and her just met but congrats on your date..." Oliver ran his hands through his chestnut hair, "Thanks.. I'll be okay you don't need to worry about me she seems like a sweet lady.."

Paisley nodded, "Do you want to get something to eat I'm starving?" Paisley looked up at him, "Sure, let's get something to eat." Paisley and Oliver made their way toward the boardwalk, they approached a restaurant called, Kiao's Restaurant. Oliver opened the door for her, and she thanked him as she walked inside. The atmosphere was beautiful with candles dimly lit on tables and bonquets were on every wooden table. "Table for two," she said approaching the host area. The host led them to a booth, Oliver and Paisley ordered cocktails when the waitress came by. "What should we get to eat?" Paisley scanned the menu.

"What about the Hawaiian pizza?" Oliver suggested. "Sounds delicious!" Paisley responded. The waiter came back to take their orders. The waiter collected their menus and then left towards the kitchen, "I noticed you wouldn't come nowhere near the water.." he said as his blue eyes lit up. "I have a phobia of the water that I would drown and promise myself I will never go near the water.." Paisley twiddled her hands as she spoke about it.

She felt anxious just talking about it, "It's not bad... I mean there are sharks but..." Paisley laughed, "You're not helping.." she said jokingly. He laughs as he can't contain his laughter as his face turns red from laughing so hard, "My stomach hurts, but what I mean is that sharks won't get near the shoreline but you do need to watch for baby sharks, I not making it any better am I?" He laughs. "No, you are not Oliver but I do feel a bit better about it.." Paisley smiled.

"You just need to face your fears, Paisley." Paisley sighed, "I will Oliver." The waitress came back with the large pizza covered with bacon, cheese, pineapples, and various other toppings. We thanked her as we grabbed a couple of slices of pizza taking a couple of bites. The pizza was so good with the various flavors. "This pizza is so good!" He says grabbing another slice. "Yes, so delicious!" The waitress came back and placed the bill, the print read $40.00. Oliver got a glance at it, "I'll pay for it." He grabbed out his wallet with two crisp twenty-dollar bills. "Are you sure?" She asked and he nodded.

Paisley placed down a $10 tip. The waitress came back we both thanked her and she thanked us for the tip. We made our way out of the restaurant, we took a taxi back to the hotel. Once we arrived at the hotel we headed to the suite. Paisley used the key card as the door lit up, Oliver went straight to the bedroom, and he changed into a dress black shirt and black jeans and sprayed cologne which was a strong scent. Paisley couldn't keep her eyes away from him while he entered the kitchen.

Before Paisley could say anything, she heard a knock on the door, Oliver opened it up to reveal Amber with her black dress and golden earrings, her foundation was done, she had purple eyeshadow and her hair was in a bun. Amber's black high heels clicked on the floor as she moved her hips. "You must be Paisley, I am Amber nice to meet you." she smiled.

"You look good Oliver," Amber says while looking at him. "You look beautiful." He replied and smiled, "Thank you, Amber." "See you later, Paisley." Amber waved at her. "Bye Paisley see you later on tonight." Oliver and Amber walk out the door as he shuts the door behind him. Paisley couldn't help but feel lonely that night, in a way, it had made her more jealous and worried that he would fall in love with Amber on the vacation.

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