Chapter 8

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Jungkook was caught off-guard with himself. His body reacted on it's own and in a second, he was beating that guy up to a pulp.

He feels like his knuckles was on fire and his heavy breathing was not subsiding no matter how he tried to calm himself.

Jungkook was still in a daze when they reached home. Though he knew that Jin, the one person who can question him in this house, went out of town for a business visit... he didn't want to attract any attention. So he ran upstairs and locked his room.

He leaned on the locked door and slowly slid down to sit on the floor, holding his head. Why did he do that? Where did that anger come from?

Jungkook was never the guy who acts before thinking about the consequences. But today... he felt like a totally different person. He felt like he was not in control of his body. He racked his brains to find the answer and his mind was going through the scenes one after another.

But it all came to a sudden halt on a particular face. That seemingly ethereal, other worldly face. And the noises suddenly stopped.

Jungkook was stuck. His brain cannot process beyond that face. And his eyes widened in a certain realization!
All his questions of why, got answered at the end of this sudden awareness.

It was all because of Kim Taehyung. The nurse.

A sudden burst of emotion left Jungkook needing for more. More of that face. More of that person. Though he couldn't pinpoint what's causing all this inside of him, all he knew is... he wants to see Kim Taehyung again. His heart is craving to be near that guy whom he spent only 5 days with. Whom he mistreated from day one.

With all these mixed up emotions, he twisted and turned in bed all night long before exhaustion finally took over.

He was walking and walking and walking. It was so dark that he couldn't even see his own hands. But when he thought, this is just like every other night...

A faint glow in the distance caught his eyes.

The more he walked closer, the more brighter the light became. And Jungkook started running towards it.

His heart pounded like crazy and he could hear his own heartbeats in this deadly quiet tunnel.

When he came near the source of the light, his steps halted to a sudden stop.

He extended his hand towards the light, grabbing hold of what felt like a cloth. And when the person infront of him turned around...

It was the same face he saw infront of the pub. It was glowing in the dark.

With the warmest smile, Kim Taehyung extended his hand towards Kook, "Take my hand" he said in his deep voice, sending shivers all over Kook's body.

Like possessed, Kook extended his hand... just when their hands are about to touch....

Kook's eyes opened.

The panic and restlessness he felt just the night before was completely vanished and his eyes was filled with some kind of a determination that even Jungkook himself didn't know.

"Suga..!" he shouted, getting up from the bed.

Suga busted in through the door in a second, "Yes sir" he said indifferently and stood in attention.

"My knuckles are bruised. We need to go to the hospital. Get the car ready" Jungkook said turning to go towards the bathroom.

"But sir... "

Jungkook turned around. His brows knitted close together and it intimidated Suga to the point of making him gulp down the words that was about to come out.

"OK sir" he muttered and quickly hurried out.

When they got into the car, Jungkook instructed the driver to go to the same hospital where he got admitted. And when Suga opened his mouth to say that there are several more hospitals on the way, Jungkook gave him a glance that said if you refute, I will throw you out from the car. So Suga zipped his mouth shut.

"Who's the patient and what happened?" The receptionist asked as soon as they entered the hospital.

Suga turned to face Jungkook, hoping that he would answer but Kook seemed like he came here for a vacation! His curious eyes were moving up and down the hallways. It's like he's searching for someone. And Suga had a faint intuition of who that might be but chose to keep quiet.

The receptionist asked Suga again, "sir, may I know why do you want to see the doctor?"

But before Suga could answer, Kook suddenly walked away from him, leaving his bodyguard to run behind him to keep up.

Suga tried hard to supress the frustrated groan. Why did he have to put up with this stupid guy? When they mentioned about the Job, he didn't expect that this guy that he's going to guard, is someone this heedless. It was only because he agreed to this Job in the first place that he let Jungkook push and Pull him like this.

Taehyung was pushing a patient on a wheelchair, telling him some jokes and laughing along when suddenly, a hand was infront of his face, making him halt the wheelchair.

Tae took a step back from the patient on the chair and when he did, he could see the hand clearly. The knuckles on it was bruised. Tae's eyes travelled from the hand to the owner of it.

"Jungkook?" Tae was shocked. Jungkook is here again? Didn't he got better already? How did this happen?

Jungkook just stood there, staring. His expression is indifferent, blank. And Taehyung knew Jungkook was not much of a talker, so he tilted his head to ask Suga who came running behind Kook, "What happened? Did he fight?"

Suga nodded his head, "Yes. He got into a fight yesterday"

"What? You are not even fully cured from the accident injuries! Why did you...." he angrily glared at Kook, whose eyes went downcast.

"Besides, they won't treat you if you said that you got into a fight. They will ask you to report a complaint first" Tae said to the two stone statues infront.

Looking at the both of them, Tae heaved a heavy sigh. He could feel an oncoming headache.

"Come on Tae. Just help him" The patient of the wheelchair said in a over-friendly tone, earning a glare from Kook.

"You guys are gonna get me in trouble. Come on" Tae said to Suga and then turned to the patient, "do you want me to take you to the room?"

"No need. Carry on Tae. I can find my own way back" the man said smiling and started rotating the wheels by his hands.

Tae watched him go for a minute before turning to walk towards an empty room, Kook and Suga closely following him behind.

[Author: your comments will motivate me to write more. Please leave your votes👍👍👍]

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