Chapter 15

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"I was drunk that day. But I can never forget a pretty face like this.. you.. you...." Benji rubbed his chin with a finger and took a step towards Tae.. "Aren't you the one who bumped into me that day?"

Tae already felt some kind of a familiarity towards this man who barged in and now that this guy pointed it out himself, Tae suddenly remembered from where he knew this guy. This was the one who grabbed his collar to pick a fight in a drunken state. Not only that, Tae and Jimin have seen this guy a couple of times before that too. Causing ruckus and disturbing passersby on the same area. But the day when he grabbed Tae's collar was the last Tae has ever seen him. And now, he suddenly pops out of nowhere... standing infront of Tae with an attitude like he's here to collect his debt. What the fuck! Tae thought and took a step forward, folding his hands. This gesture, that he did naturally, looks like he was protectively standing infront of Kook. And Benji seems amused by this.

"Now I can connect the dots. I am no fool.." Benji said but Tae cut him off, "What's going on? Who are you talking to?" he asked confused as he glanced at the back to confirm there's no one else there other than him and Jungkook.

"The fuck you acting for? So... its you! Just because I grabbed your shirt, you unleashed him to ruin my face!!" Benji barked in anger.

"What?" Tae turned to look at Jungkook expecting the same confusion on his face but when his eyes fell on Kook who's silently staring at the ground, something doesn't fit well. Instead of paying attention to Benji, Tae turned to face Jungkook entirely.. "you know him?"

Jungkook glared at Benji before facing Taehyung, "kind of"


Benji didn't let Kook answer as he took another step towards them, "How? Dude you fucking serious? He jumped me just because I grabbed your shirt! And... and.... in the bar..." thinking about the bar fight, Benji's anger peeked through the roof. He paid those fighters. But what happened in the end? Not only did the money got wasted, he even had to pay the hospital bills for those shitheads.
He pointed at Jungkook with his index finger, "I will definitely make you pay for what happened in the bar..... I will.." Benji's outraged speech got disrupted by the couple of guards who rushed upstairs.

Seeing the guys, Kook asked, "Where have you guys been? Throw him out" he said causally and walked to the table. And the guys each held Benji's hands on either side while he struggled in their hold, shouting his lungs out.

"You think this is over, huh? No! NO!! You poked your head where you shouldn't. Now You will pay the price. BOTH OF YOU!!!!" He screamed as he got dragged downstairs.

For a minute, Tae eyes were glued on the door, unable to process what just happened. He only came back to his senses only when his ears picked up a small sigh from behind him.

Jungkook didn't wait for Tae to ask, "i may have been the one to hit him the first time. But in the bar, he was the one who started the fight first.."

Looking at Tae, who's still not turning to look at him, Kook felt uneasy. So he started to justify his doings, "they even hit me with the bottle. Is it so wrong to defend myself?"

This time, Tae turned around and his eyes fell on the scar on Kook's head. And somewhere in the farthest corner of his heart, Tae felt like running after Benji.. No, not to say sorry but to give him a punch. Yes, Kim Taehyung wants to punch someone. Now, that's a shocking thought even to himself. But would he let Kook know his thought?

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