Chapter 19

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"S...S..Sarah??" Benji said, answering the call from a distance.

"You shit! Where are you? I sent you to buy vegetables. How long do you take for that, huh?"

Hearing Sarah's incessant voice, Benji felt like he's on death's door. His voice trembled, "I..  I am on my way dear. On my way..."

"Come quick! Just now some guy delivered a letter or something. It says.... appointment order... I don't know. Come quick!" She was practically screaming. It was unknown whether it was because her husband was late or because she's overjoyed!

"What?" The words appointment order was like a thunderbolt out of the blue for Benji.

Without letting the husband and wife pair speak anymore, Hobi ended the call earning a glare from Benji.. "If you want to know more, why don't you just go to your house and see for yourself?" he smiled.

Benji looked at the now fully shattered lamp on the floor. When did he drop it? Probably when he heard his wife's voice? He don't know. But what's the thing his wife said about? An appointment order? But.....

But.... how? He gave up a very long time ago. He gave up applying to jobs. He gave up being the nicest person he was once used to be. He gave up on god. If there's one thing he didn't give up on, it's his wife. The one person who stood beside him in both ups and downs for almost ten years now.

"You can go. No one here is going to hurt you. Just walk away" Jin said and stepped to the side like he's making a way for Benji to go out.

Looking at Jin... Tae, Kook, Suga and Hobi did the same. But then, Benji looked at Jimin... "What about that one?"

Up until that point, Jimin was speechless and shit scared of what was happening. But now that he felt the situation seems to get better, he changed his attitude to a bad boy's.. so that he will look just as intimidating as Jungkook and Tae. Jimin even stared angrily at Benji while he dramatically side stepped to make way.

"You can go now" Jin assured again.

Taking the chance, Benji ran out like his life depended on it. Everyone's eyes followed him out and once he's out of sight, Tae ran to Joe and hugged him.

"Joe... I am sorry... I am sorry..... " he said as his tears fell on Joe's shirt.

"Don't cry hyung.. please... its okay" Joe tried to convince.

Jungkook came behind Joe and untied the simple knot of the rope to let Joe free from the chair.

While Tae was still hugging him, Joe said to Jungkook... "Mrs.Maria... she's.. she's inside" he pointed at the room.

Hearing Maria's name, Tae whipped up.. "she's here? What did they do to her?!"

"No no no... hyung... no.. nothing bad happened. Don't worry.... since she kept on squabbling... they tied her there" Joe said, only then Tae breathed in relief. When Kook was about to go and untie Maria, Suga came forward... "let me do it sir" and then proceeded to go into the room.

Tae felt a hand on his shoulder, "How are you Taehyung?" Jin asked. His voice was so warm and kind that Tae wants to just hug him and say thank you. But he was Jeon Seokjin afterall. The multi billionaire!

"How did he.... " Tae was lost for words. What would he ask? How did you know my place? How did you know we are in danger? What about the call thing with Benji?

Jin shook his head, smiling. He then patted Tae's shoulder, "It's okay. It's all over now. He won't bother any of you again" Jin glanced at Jungkook too. There was an awkward air between the father and the son pair.

Jungkook stood there with his eyes on the wall. He himself couldn't guess how Jin got involved in all of this... but somehow his dad saved their day. But that doesn't mean their years long issue can easily go away right? What's worse? Jin even compelled him to take care of the company.

Just when the situation becomes awkwardly quiet, a sudden scream coming from the room startled everyone. It was Suga who screamed!

And a woman came running out with a chair held high above her head..!! Her eyes wandered for a second before landing on Jin and she didn't waste any time before charging towards him with a chair!!!!!!

"You!!!!!!! I will not let any of you go!!! How dare you lay hands on Joe???" She screamed as she charged towards Jin.

Jin, was struck dumb! His eyes widened in utter shock, looking at the oncoming danger and he let out a girly scream and ran for his life, Maria closely following behind with a chair.

Tae, Kook, hobi, Jimin and even Joe was dumbfounded by this scene! All of their jaws dropped as they watch Jin and Maria circling the living room one after the other!!

"Fuck...!!! Can someone stop her!!????" Jin screamed his lungs out. Only then, all of them came out of their trance. Tae held Maria's hand and stopped her in place, "Mrs.Maria it's okay. It's okay. It's over. They are gone"

Maria was breathing heavily... "What? Gone?"

"Yeah Mrs.Maria, they are gone. He.. he is the one who saved us" Joe stepped forward to say.

Maria blinked a couple a times to let it sink in. Her hair was dishevelled and her eyes slowly landed on Jin.
"I thought...." She couldn't continue while Jin was staring back at her. Why? He doesn't know.

Just then Suga made his way out of the room. He was rubbing his head, which was even bleeding a little on the left.

Mrs.Maria pointed at Suga and asked Joe, "This one??"

"He is here to help us too" Joe said. Only then everyone noticed the blood on Suga's head!

"Mrs.Maria, what did you do?" Tae asked, walking to Suga and examining the wound.

Maria held up her hands like she's surrendering, "in my defense, I thought he was one of them"

But then Suga said, "Now I know why they put her in the room"

That made everyone laugh. Even Jungkook. But ofcourse, Hobi's laugh was the loudest of them all.

And Jin halted his windshield wiper laugh when Maria shyly glanced at his side. On the other side, Jungkook and Tae were sending looks at eachother too. The feeling was very obvious on their faces and they are not even trying to hide it now.

Noticing all these things, Suga felt like a third wheel. He sighed as usual. Just then, something bumped on his shoulder.

"Is this guy Mr.Jeon?" Jimin asked in Suga's ears. The words itself was not sensual at all. But somehow, Suga felt a shiver run down his spine from the closeness. And he stepped away from Jimin, replying "yes"

But then Jimin closed in again, "I heard he is filthy rich. Is he actually? He's so down to earth.." he said in admiration.

Suga didn't answer. He just watched the people that gathered here infront of him. Though they come from different places, somehow.... these people around him came together. All of them.... kind-hearted people. And he felt a belonging to these people that he knew for only a couple of months.

His thoughts of leaving the Joen Household completely vanished from his mind and all that remind was peace.

[Author: Our story will end soon. Did you like the story so far? Tell me in the comments❤️]

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