Chapter 20

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"I will come and see you later" Jungkook said to Tae. His hand slightly graced the other while he walked towards the door. Tae turned to look at his retreating figure and Suga following after Kook.

"I am sure he will come back in an hour"

Tae was startled out of his thoughts. He turned to face Jin who smirked like he knew something. And Tae felt speechless. Does Jin know? Tae helplessly glanced at Suga.

"He didn't say anything. It's my other source" Jin said, being casually confident.

Now Tae was shocked to say the least. How many people does this guy pays to work for him?

Without knowing what else to say, Tae pulled Joe near, "This is my little brother Joe" he introduced to Jin.

And Jin rubbed Joe's hair, "he's so cute. How old is he? 15?"

"I am actually 17" Joe said, awkwardly moving away from Jin's hand.. just like any other teenager would do.

Jin let out a laugh. He knew it would annoy the boy but Joe's just too cute to not pet. Tae laughed along too.


Jungkook was sitting in his living room sofa, staring at his own fingers. His thoughts are everywhere and nowhere at once.

When he heard footsteps, he knew his dad's home too. Jin made his way and slowly came to sit beside Jungkook, which was very rare. These last two years, they never sat beside eachother. There were either opposite of eachother or outright squaring up to eachother.

But now, it was different. Jin nudged Kook's shoulder with his, a little babyish.. that's it. That little nudge was all it took to make Kook remember of all those days his dad used to play TV games when Kook was a teenager.. This inturn triggered all the other memories too. And Jungkook couldn't control the words or tears anymore.

"Why dad?" he asked. This tone was not one of anger. This was just a tone of sadness.

And Jin knew it. He knew that it's time to let Jungkook talk. So he just patted Kook's head as his tears rolled down his cheek.

"Today.... today I felt so helpless dad. I didn't know what to do.. and everytime... everytime I feel like that, your are there for me. From the beginning, you are always there. But where was I dad?" Jungkook closed his eyes with his palms and his body trembled while he cried. "Where was I these past two years? I am sorry"

Jin was trying really hard to blink back his tears. But his eyes were not in his control anymore...

"When I knew that... that I was not your son.." Jungkook sniffled as he continued, "I was really angry.. and.. and.. scared. I was scared that you may love me less in the future. But you.... you never gave up. You.. proved me wrong dad. Even when i caused trouble.. you were there to punish me but you never once gave up on me. And... I thought... I am making your life better by asking you to get married. But.. now I know dad. I know it is not something one can force it upon someone... I am so sorry dad.."

Jin never once stopped petting Jungkook's head. Though his lips showed a sad smile, his eyes says otherwise.

"Dad... especially today. Taehyung was... he was..." Jungkook gulped. He felt anxiety settling in when talking about Tae. Like, he's venturing into a new territory. And Jin's hand calmed him enough to continue..

"Tae was someone who's very important to me" Jungkook looked up to meet Jin's eyes. He wanted to see how Jin reacts to this... "he is... more than just a friend to me dad"

"I know" is what Jin said. For a moment, Jungkook was shocked but then he remembered, this was Jeon Seokjin.. and nothing can escape his eyes. So he's not surprised anymore as he continued..

"Today.. when I felt so helpless.. you were there once again. Standing there with me to clean up the mess I made"

Jin, who was silent the whole time, now heaved a frustrated sigh, "Don't talk about it. I am still angry you know. Look where your anger got you? If you didn't start the fight in a fit of anger, this wouldn't have developed to this point.. involving the innocents"

"I know dad. And I am so sorry.... please trust me when I say, this will not happen again. The truth clouded my mind these two years. Thinking about our fights now, it all seems so pointless. I don't know why I did the things I did. But I am so ashamed of it all. I am so sorry dad"

"It's not like you weren't mischievous before you know the truth. You would always sneak out at nights, going to that shithole of a place and comes back with the bruises. Do you remeber our fight when you were 17 or 18 about you spending too much money for your worthless friends? You were always mischievous. But... it was different when you learnt the truth. The problem was not as simple as money. It involves heart. Heart's' to say it correctly.. and if it's not handled properly, it will break both parties. I want you and me to be happy. And I know that one day you will understand. And that you will know, falling in love is not as simple as you think it is. All these years... you think I restrained from falling in love again?"

Jungkook sat there staring at the ground... intaking his dad's words.

"No Jungkook. I just didn't fall in love. And that's it. I once fell in love with your mother. And the moment she handed you to me, I fell in love with you. After that... my heart didn't fall in love with anyone else. It's not like I built up a wall or something. It just didn't happen. Let me tell you... if in the future, I may happen to come across someone I like... you better prepare yourself for a new family member..." Jin nudged Jungkook again. A little funnily this time. Cheering up the mood.

"Let me know if you want her number" Jungkook said out of the blue and Jin's expression changed to confusion.

One second Jungkook was crying his eyes out and the next, he was trying hard to control his laughter, looking at Jin's confused expression.

"Want whose number?" Jin asked.

Jungkook slowly stood up from the sofa... "Mrs. Maria's" he said and ran away, avoiding Jin's grab by just an inch.

"You little shit! Come here...." Jin said and ran after him.

Jungkook's laugh echoed in the whole building when Hobi entered through the door. For a second, he doubted whether he came to the right house or not and looked around to make sure. But then his eyes fell on Jin, who was laughing and chasing Jungkook around the big living room.

The smile that bloomed on Hobi's face was like a sun shining it's first light. It was so pure.. as he watched the father and the son pair playing around the house.

Noticing Hobi's presence, Jungkook ran up to him... holding him inbetween Jin and him... "Hoseok hyung... help me!" he said and swayed Hobi here and there to avoid Jin. But Hobi, being a little naughty, thought otherwise. He held Kook's hands and stopped him in place.

"Boss, I got him!" He said to Jin, a little mischievously.

Jungkook fake glared at Hobi who just winked.

Jin came forward and stood infront of Kook, "do you know what's the punishment for all the trouble you caused this time?"

"Dad please... let me...."

Jin didn't let him talk as he came forward and tickled him until Jungkook felt breathless from laughing too hard and fell to the ground.

At once, Jin and Hobi fled the scene, leaving behind Jungkook who was now sprawled on the ground... with a smile still plastered on his lips.

Jungkook heaved a sigh in content. And he felt as light as a feather.

[Author: Let me know how's this story so far? Don't forget to vote 👍❤️❤️❤️❤️]

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