2 / troublemaker

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You whip your head around quickly, gripping the wand in your pocket with your left hand so tightly it hurts a little. And indeed, you almost don't trust you eyesight. A figure is walking straight towards you. This can't be.

Who is also here right now, at this merlinforsaken hour? Fear starts to rise more and more in your body. Not only because you're afraid of getting caught now, but also: what if this person wants to harm you?

You're paralyzed, still sitting in the exact same spot, as the figure comes closer and closer. You narrow your eyes, trying to see who it could be, but it's way to dark. They're also not carrying a wand to light up their face.

They're only a couple meters away now and with every bit of distance that they are closing between you, your heart rate goes up.

Suddenly the person is raising their hands almost in a surrendering way. You can tell it's a young man by now, but you are still not able to make out his face.

He seems to signal to you that he's not of danger and keeps approaching. Your comfort is only slight.

Finally he is close enough that you can take a look at him and before you can even register who it is, the young man says: "Well, this is quite the surprise."

Tom Riddle. Never in a million years would you have expected him.

You look up to him, stunned. Your mouth is opened a little and you probably don't look the most intelligent right now. At least that would explain the amusement you seem to read on his face. Then again, he kind of always looks like that – smug.

You're pretty sure, he doesn't know who you are. You're not necessarily someone who sticks out of a crowd and you two are in different houses. He's a Slytherin, of course.

You clear your throat. You probably need to say something soon, instead of just staring at him sheepishly.

"What are doing here?" You kind of blurt those words out. Great. That probably didn't help his impression of you.

As a reaction, he studies your face for a few seconds. Maybe to place you? You can't read his expression. He looks completely emotionless, as he takes in your features.

Suddenly, you're very embarrassed to be in your plaid pajamas and morning robe. He on the other hand, is completely dressed in his school uniform and you have to admit, he looks amazing.

You've always thought this and you're definitely not alone in holding this opinion. Unlike you, Tom is known and beloved by everybody in this school.

He's a prefect, which means he holds a authoritative role over other students. His grades are extraordinary and he's valued by teachers and students alike.

His already mentioned good looks probably don't hurt this either. He's tall and slender, his dark, slightly wavy hair perfectly framing his face. Oh, and his face. Almost Greek statue-like features, sharp jawline, dark brown eyes... you stop in your tracks.

"Pull yourself together, Fiona," you think to yourself, ashamed to get so lost in your thoughts about him. You've always found him attractive, but at the same time you don't have the highest opinion of him. Not like almost everybody else. Whenever you see him around you can't help but find him incredibly arrogant. And frankly, a bit scary.

After what seems like an eternity, Tom finally breaks his gaze from your face. He looks towards the lake and his confident smirk returns.

"I could ask you the same question. In fact, I'm here almost every night. But I don't think we ever ran into each other before, correct?" He raises his eyebrows as he speaks, searching your eyes again. You can tell he wants to intimidate you.

Insomniacs - Tom Riddle x reader (with pictures)Where stories live. Discover now