9 / narcoleptic

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Dante gives you the same concerned glances you have been getting from all of your friends today, as you two sit in the library. He asked to join you, when you announced, you where going there to study for a couple of hours. He has an essay due in Study of Ancient Runes on Monday and as always, he is starting with it way too late. You suspect that he secretly wants you to proofread it for him, since your quite good at writing.

But right now, you can barely keep your eyes open. The Potions book, that lays in front of you, has been on the same page for quite some time now and even though your eyes are fixed on it, you would not be able repeat a single information. You're not even really sure which potion you're reading about right now.

"Jane told me you haven't been sleeping well recently?" Dante's voice brings you back to reality. You rub your forehead and sigh. "Yeah... you could say that."

"Anything on your mind?" You look up at Dante, who gives you an empathetic look. His dark eyes are filled with concern.

Oh, how you wish you could just tell your friend the truth. But you swore to Tom that no one except Jane would know about your meetings. Of course, your insomnia hasn't just started since you met him. So you decide to tell the truth, but just leave out a part of it.

"I'm not really sure, Dante. I just feel so antsy all the time. Like, something is missing? I can't really describe it but my mind simply doesn't shut up when I desperately want to sleep." You shrug.

He tilts his head. "That's strange. Hopefully you can get some rest this weekend at least."

You hope so, too. You don't know how long you can keep going like this. You keep studying with Dante for about an hour but then decide it's pointless. It's supper time now already anyway.

You're awfully quiet during dinner and make the decision to lay down right after. You plan on going to bed, sleep for a couple of hours and set an alarm clock to 10 pm, when the other girls will just be making their way up to the dormitory. So you take one more bite from your meal but don't finish it. Your appetite isn't great either and you still have that raging headache. Then you excuse yourself and start walking towards the Ravenclaw tower. But not before taking one quick look towards the Slytherin table. Tom is there, deeply engaged in a conversation with some pretty, blonde girl from his house. Who cares, you think. You do, of course.

You feel dizzy and can't wait to finally fall into your bed. It's seven now, so you look forward to three hours of sleep. As soon as the other girls will have fallen asleep later, you will wait in the common room again until it's time to meet Tom, just like yesterday.

You barely make it out of your school uniform and put on your pajamas. As you finally fall into your soft sheets you fall into a dreamless slumber.

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

You wake up, disoriented for a second. It's pitch black in the dormitory. You take a second, then a shock wave is sent through your body. What time is it? Is it 10 already?

You sit up in your bed, grab your wand from your nightstand and mumble "Lumos." As you point your wand to look at your alarm clock your heart skips a beat. It's two in the morning.

No, no, no. This can't be happening. You overslept. Or rather you didn't even set an alarm like you planned. You were so exhausted earlier that you totally forgot.

You were supposed to meet Tom two hours ago and the thought of him standing there, in front of the Ravenclaw common room... waiting for you, breaks your heart. He must be livid. You bury your face in your hands and before you even realize, silent tears are streaming down your face. You feel so bad about what happened and there's nothing you can do about it now.

For a second you think about going downstairs and seeing if he's still there but you immediately feel ridiculous for it. He would never wait two hours for you, who would? And you absolutely can't blame him. He probably thinks you didn't want to show up, which is obviously the furthest thing from the truth. You wonder, if he might still be awake and somewhere in the castle or even at the Great Lake, but searching for him could take hours and you have no guarantee to find him.

Defeated, you let yourself fall back into your bed and assume the fetal position. This is bad, really bad. Jane should have woken you up but you didn't tell her about your exact plans. She probably thought you were planning on sleeping as long as possible and sneaking out just a bit before midnight. You're still crying and have no idea how to fix this. How are you going to explain this to him? Even though your mind is wide awake now, your body still far from well rested. So after a while, you cry yourself to sleep again.

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

Someone is softly shaking you. You wake up, fluttering your eyelids. Again you're a little confused for a second, then the realization washes over you. You stood up Tom.

You feel like such an idiot. Your eyes are still a little blurry from crying, so you need a second to be able to see your surroundings. Finally, you spot Jane, sitting on your bed, smiling down on you.

"Good morning!" She sounds gleeful. Of course, she has no idea about the tragedy that happened last night.
"I didn't want to wake you so early, since you probably had a long night...", she grins. "...but it's almost time for lunch now. And obviously I'm dying to know what happened!"

As she speaks those words your eyes well up again. Your best friend promptly notices your mood change and gasps. "Fi, what's wrong?", she asks and puts her hand on your cheek.

You can't speak, instead it all breaks out of you and you start sobbing. Yesterday you had to contain yourself because on top of all, you didn't want to also wake the other girls. But now that it's just you and Jane in the dorm, you can't stop it anymore. Jane just looks shocked and pulls you into her arms. You cry into her shoulder, for what seems like an eternity.

Eventually, you are able to calm down a bit and pull yourself out of Jane's embrace. She still looks at you, like she isn't sure what to say but then exclaims in an angry voice: "What did the bastard do?"

This makes you laugh and cry at the same time. You wipe away your tears with your pajama sleeve and finally start to speak in a shaky voice: "Nothing, I'm the bastard."
Jane frowns. "What do you mean?"

"I stood him up, Jane." You sniff. "I overslept. When I woke up again, it was two in the morning. He probably waited for me and thought I didn't want to see him. And that I didn't even have the decency to tell him that."

Her eyes widen as you tell her this. "Oh, Fiona...," she say sympathetically. "That's not your fault, though. You simply were on your last leg...!"

"I know that, but he doesn't," you cry out.

"But you can explain all that to him, can't you? If he doesn't understand that, he's not right for you anyway."

She sounds so sincere as she says this. You think about it for a second. Maybe she's right. You're not sure how you would pull him aside for a private conversation, though. He has never really acknowledged you in public and somehow you don't think he would appreciate it if you did that. Especially now, when he's probably angry at you.

Jane sees that you're deeply lost in your thoughts now, stands up and extends a hand to you. "Come on now. Let's get some food in your stomach first, and then we'll figure something out."


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