Chapter 1

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(A/N: This chapter is taking place in the episode, "New Girl in Town" but Leo will meet Venus instead of Karai. I hope you enjoy this chapter guys! btw; this is right after the argument Leo and Raph had in the beginning of the episode. Also, the image displayed above is what I imagined Venus/Mei Pei Chi Foot outfit would be like when she meets Leonardo. Although, I found this from Pinterest, if you have a different idea for her outfit you can use/imagine a different outfit for her. With that out of the way, let's get into the story!)

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Raph wants to take charge, so I'll let him. Why? I'm sick of him and the others treating me like I'm not capable of leading the team and acting like I can't do it. I'm just so tired of carrying the weight of leadership on my shoulders when I don't receive any thanks or respect for it. As the days pass, it gets harder and harder to watch out for my family, even though I asked to be a leader once we started out on patrols every night.

Just to be as far away from my brothers, especially Raph, I rushed across the roofs. I stood still and attempted to take in the loud noises that filled the streets of New York after I judged that I was far enough away from them. People talking to one another, cars honking, and the AC systems shaking amid the summer heat. Although it may not have been particularly reassuring to some, for me it was the tranquility I had so desperately sought out since taking the mantle of the leader—at least, until my thoughts decided to take control.

Am I being selfish right now? Should I go back, apologize, and resume my position as the team's leader? Or should I finally put my foot down and see whether Raph can uphold his end of the bargain, or should I wait for him to crawl back to me pleading for forgiveness? No, think Leo. Raph is too stubborn; even when he believes he is in the wrong, he never concedes to anything or anyone.

It was completely silent with just me and my intrusive thoughts until I heard a couple of noises that snapped me back into reality and into immediate ninja mode. Once I turned around with my two katanas blades at ready, I quickly realized it was several Foot Clan ninjas.

I chuckled, "Foot Clan? You guys just made my might." Per usual, I took down all the ninjas; none of them were not much of proper challenge when it came to physical combat anyway. As I finished wiping out all the Foot soldiers that attacked me, I felt all my past aggression and self-doubt being taken away from battling and I sighed in almost contentment. Once I thought I was done fighting, I heard a loud thud from above me.

I looked up and saw a silhouette on top of the billboard in front of me; I obviously knew that the anonymous figure was a part of the Foot, from the similar gear they wore, so I immediately prepared myself for what was to come. Little did I know that was about to happen next change me and my family for the next few years to come.

Before I could muster a second thought, the dark figure made its' way out of the darkness by leaping down and landing a few feet away from me.

Once the figure looked up, I quickly realized that the Foot ninja was a girl, and an utterly gorgeous one as well. She had her long, jet-black hair in a braid that was placed over her right shoulder whilst she was sporting an outfit that was extremely similar to the Foot's usually outfit, however it had multiple, beautiful hues of light blue to compliment her forest green eyes that were staring back at me with confidence, curiosity and interest. I felt like my eyes were widening and my heart swelling the more I look into her eyes.

"Not bad" She spoke. I felt a shiver run up and down my shell just by hearing her voice. Idiot me decided to stutter, thanking her for the compliment but I did not what else to say; I was at a complete loss of words. She must have found humor with me acting like a blubbering idiot that she chuckled and smirked at me.

"You might actually be a challenge." She started walking towards me slowly. I tried to regain myself and get back into a fighting position, realizing she's still apart of the Foot. I couldn't trust her. But could I? No, you can't Leo! She stops and I froze trying to see what she would do next.

Apparently, that thought would be answered once she threw blinding powder in my eyes. It stinged in my eyes which made my vision extremely blurry. I couldn't even see what knocked me onto the ground, once I looked up it was the beautiful kunoichi from earlier. She had her foot planted straight into the center of my chest, which caused me to not get up.

"Guess not" she said to me unamused smirk. "My name's Venus. Venus de Milo, Leonardo."

My eyes widened not only when she said my name, but also her own; Thanks to Master Splinter's love for art, I was able to recognize that name; it was a name that was given to a beautiful and ancient sculpture of a woman. Her name was so unique and special. Like her.... No, Leo! She's clearly apart of the Foot, you cannot have a crush on her. She soon took her foot off of my chest and her single katana blade off of my throat (which I did not even register that it was) into her holster behind her back. She then winked at me with the same mischievous smirk from earlier, turned to me and stated. "See you around." She turned around and disappeared into the shadows of the night by jumping over the billboard sign where she originally resided.

I got up carefully, still being temporarily blinded by the powder from earlier. I looked to where she vanished and all I could see was darkness. Why was I so whipped over a girl? She is in the Foot Clan, and I should not be feeling these emotions and thinking these thoughts. But I could not help myself no matter how hard I tried. So, I slowly started to make my way towards the lair and started to wonder. About her.

"What was that?"

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(Alrighty! That's the first chapter you guys!! I'll try to update as soon as I possibly can, hopefully if I try not to dive deep into a writer's block. But I will try my best to update this book whenever I have free time ot do so. Anyways I hoped you guys loved and enjoyed this chapter!)

Our Heroes in a Half-Shell (TMNT 2012 Fanfic) [Renamed]Where stories live. Discover now