Chapter 13: 'Night Stalkers Don't Quit'

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Ryan sat on his bed inside his barracks, cleaning his XM7 rifle while listening to Five Finger Death Punch.

The 160th were surely taking their sweet time, it's been around three days since he last talked with General Barkley. Hopefully, everything's going fine on the other side of the gate.

Ryan set down his rifle on the table in front of him, looking at Jackson as he read the translation book for the local language. "Haven't you been reading for the past 4 hours?"

Jackson glanced up from his book, yawning slightly as he closed it. "If Delilah's going to be walking around with me I ought to know how to talk to her, using a phone for translation isn't going to cut it."

Ryan raised an eyebrow as he shrugged to Jackson, picking up his M18 and unscrewing the suppressor attached to the muzzle. "You're good at making excuses, but the more people that know the local language the better."

Jackson knew what Ryan was going to say, now wanting to change the subject. "I've heard you say it to Jason and Chris, I don't need to listen to it. When are the pilots coming in?"

Ryan lightly laughs at Jackson. "Alright I won't bother you with it, pilots should be here today or tomorrow. JSDF will let Aiden and I know when they're close."

Jackson nods, taking a deep breath before standing up with a grunt of pain. "Gotcha. Doctors said they're letting Chris out soon with a full recovery."

"Yeah I heard, technically your ass should be in a recovery room, you're having it worse than anyone." Ryan picks up his M18, about to pull off the slide before a knock could be heard on the door.

"Who's that? Thought the team was busy." Ryan knew that everyone was enjoying their free time for the most part. Jason and Druilla had gone to the hospital for an examination of Jason's arm to see if he was ready for duty. Claire and Aiden were out helping train with the JSDF since the two could speak Japanese. Markus and Mike were either cleaning their weapons or talking with their family. And Chris was still at the hospital.

So, who was knocking on their door? Probably a messenger from the JSDF... no it couldn't be, Aiden would've radioed him.

Ryan shrugged, at this point, it didn't matter. Grabbing his M18 and putting it in his holster before he opens the door to their barracks.

Ryan suspected who it probably was, leaving no other options but his XO's caretaker.

Delilah waved to Ryan, saying hello in her language as she looked inside to peer her head to Jackson who glanced up.

"I feel like a dad watching his son go out on a date. Have fun kiddo." Ryan grinned widely at Jackson as he stumbled onto his feet, shaking his head with a disappointed sigh.

"You ought to it again sir. Maybe it'll help you." Jackson says as he smiles at Delilah who carefully throws her arms around him.

"You know why I don't go down that path Jackson. Just call yourself lucky her standards aren't as high as the chicks at the bar." Ryan gives a light laugh as Jackson can't help but laugh with him.

"Alright quit it, radio if you need me." Jackson makes a calling motion with his hand as he wraps his arm around Delilah's neck to help him walk slightly better.

"Take a break Jackson, enjoy your recovery time." Ryan closed the door to his barracks, if he wanted to do anything first he made it a priority to make sure his weapon was clean and functional before anything else.

Ryan took a seat on his bed once again, pulling the slide off his M18 and continuing to clean his firearms.


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