Chapter 4: Clean Camp

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As the JLTV bumps down the empty dirt roads, Jackson takes his M4A1 and starts to switch the muzzle devices on his M4A1, switching it to a suppressor.

"Hey, you mind switching the muzzle of mine also? Suppressors in my bag, 1-4 you mind getting it?" Ryan reaches over, making sure to safely hand his M4A1 over to Jackson as he nods, starting to unscrew the flash hider on the barrel.

"Here." Claire says, giving a spare suppressor to Jackson as he nods, not speaking a word as he installs the suppressor.

"What information did Druilla give?" Ryan asks, looking at the front mirror to glance at Druilla who seemed extremely shy, sinking into her seat.

"Around 40 hostiles. They have patrols walking around the forests, she's seen three patrols at most but there could be more. There are multiple tents surrounding a small singular-level wooden cabin where the rest of the hostages are held up. Druilla was one of the lucky ones, being able to escape after an escape attempt with multiple prisoners. She was the only one to escape out of the five, but she pledged to bring people back to help them." Claire looks to Druilla as she gives a reassuring nod to her.

As they continued to drive, Jason could be heard on the radio. "Watcher Actual this is Watcher 1-4 how copy?"

Ryan reaches for his radio, looking at Jackson who finished installing the suppressor. "Watcher 1-4, this is Watcher Actual, I read you."

"Actual, just giving a heads up we're about to reach the AO in ETA 5 minutes."

"Roger 1-4. Thanks for the heads up. By any chance did anyone here bring subsonic ammo with a suppressor?" Ryan asks.

"Brought a small canister full of it. I think I'm the only one." Jason speaks on the radio.

"Gonna need it 1-4. Need you to handle the patrols walking around before we commence the actual assault on the camp. I'll brief you boys once we get there." Ryan lets go of his radio before reaching for his M4A1 that Jackson modified, setting it to the left side of him

With due time, the two JLTVs stop near a forest, cutting their headlights as they park near a cluster of trees.

Everyone in Watcher disembarks out of the JLTVs as they gather to Ryan.

"Alright, Druilla says that they've got multiple patrols around the camp. We're getting an estimation of around 40 hostiles in the camp where the rest of the hostages are held up inside a small one-floor cabin in the center." Ryan looks to Claire who gives a nod of acknowledgment, signifying that the information was all correct.

"I want 1-6 watching our left flank with 1-3 and 1-1 to your right, then it'll be me, 1-5, and 1-4 watching our right flank. 1-2, you'll be at the back with Druilla. Claire make sure you have Druilla follow Jason and stick by him until this is over." Ryan says as everyone nods.

Claire nods as she reads something word by word from her translation book, pointing to Jason as Druilla nods.

Ryan checks his M4A1, pulling the bolt back slightly, ensuring that it is loaded before he lets it slide back and taps it with his palm for extra reassurance. "If we find any patrols Jason is tasked with putting them down."

"10-4. What about Druilla sir? Anyone got ear protection for her... cat ears..." Jason looks to Druilla who is already stuck by him like glue, taking Claire's orders to heart.

"I got some earplugs." Mike says, letting his M249 hang by the sling before giving Claire two earplugs.

After Claire puts the earplugs in Druilla's ears Ryan gives the team one last nod.

"Let's get this done. Nods on." Ryan flips his GPNVG night vision goggles down as everyone else flips theirs down with a nod, spreading out into formation as Jason loads his MK-11 with subsonic rounds.

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