Chapter 14: Italica

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Cheers and shouts could be heard all around Ryan, he and his battle buddy Jackson had just completed basic training as everyone stood in parade rest, waiting for their family members to tap them out.

Everyone awaited the day of graduation, this was the day when their lives were going to make a complete change, it was going to have its lows and highs, but for better or for worse it was a day of celebration.

One by one, soldiers around Ryan were tapped out by their loved ones, fathers, mothers, and maybe even their wives. Jackson's mother soon tapped out Jackson as he hugged his younger siblings with a wide smile.

Minutes flew by as the scorching sun beat on Ryan, never moving from his parade rest.

And soon enough, he was one of the only soldiers still standing there.

Ryan held back his tears, keeping his stance as Jackson returned with his family. Jackson knew of Ryan's story, he heard of his battle buddy's concerns about family day.

In the end, Jackson's mother was the one to tap Ryan out.


Ryan woke up at the bar inside the tavern his whole team stayed in, they were now in Italica.

He must've passed out from the looks of it. Rubbing the side of his head, Ryan stumbles out of his seat and ensures that his pistol is still in his holster.

3 days had passed since the team arrived at the city of Italica, the team stayed at a small inn a few blocks away from the main gate if they needed to quickly move to defend the city. Although it wasn't needed, occasionally a few of the team members helped Pina's guards and the JSDF keep patrols on the walls. If anything, for Chris it was a reason to talk to Panache since the two were on guard duty at the same time.

Not much was going on with the JSDF and the Empire, only small movements but the Empire was still gathering its strength.

Air strikes were sent to target the Empire's military buildings, however, the Empire's mages had many anti-air and anti-missile spells, sending barrages of explosions and fireballs that tracked down the jets, resulting in one jet being shot down with the pilot soon rescued afterward.

For now, the theater was at a standoff, with the JSDF preparing defenses, the U.S. has put its concerns about the sudden power surge of the Empire and exclaimed how if the forces pushed the JSDF back the Empire would have access to Earth.

Claire kept tabs on the radio about the movements of the Empire and the political issues with the danger of this new world, for now, all was quiet, and like usual all they could do was sit in the base and wait.

It seems no matter where you go, sitting at base and doing nothing is always assured.

Ryan glances at a few of the tables, looking over to Jason and Druilla who sat down together. He didn't want to interrupt the two love birds' time together, and Jason seemed pretty happy even with his usual monotone face. But Druilla seemed to wave him over, so he felt obliged to see how they were doing at least.

"Really let yourself go last night LT. Chambers said to leave you alone though so we did." Jason looked to Ryan as he sat down at the two's table, sitting across from them.

"Maybe so, just don't tell Jackson about it when he gets here." Ryan sighs while he leans back on his chair. "You two enjoying your time here?"

Jason nods as he sips his drink from his mug, wrapping his arm around Druilla. "Sometimes it's nice to relax here." Druilla yawns slightly as she seems like she's going to pass out sooner or later.

"I can understand, just be ready still. Claire's been picking up a lot of traffic on the radio lately." Ryan pushes himself out from the table as he stands up from his chair. "You two enjoy your time."

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