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Beneath the ground of the common man lay miles of perfectly etched and carved stones, rooms and grand hallways lay in perfect condition, and yet no man has ever stepped place within these rooms in decades.

Cobwebs will the corners and ceilings of the room, spiders wait for their prey, and if they're lucky, a single fly will fly into the webs once per week.

However, these grand rooms, lit by the almost never-ending candles and acting as the only light source were outside the main continent where the JSDF and U.S. Forces were.

These lands were controlled by different gods. Different rules are placed upon its people and it is filled with different species of intelligent life. However, one thing seems to bring it all together.

The gate was always in the middle of it.

Footsteps echoed within the nicely built marble hallways, to her it was all the same, she traveled within these labyrinths for years to come, but she was here for someone else.

She barged the door open, her pearl blue and misty eyes glared down the center of the room, towards a man who meditated along the spotless floors.

"We're the only two people here, do you have to make it dramatic?" The man sighed, standing up and turning to face the woman who barged in the door.

The armor shuffled whenever the man moved, his breathing was calm, and his stature was that of a gentle person. The main thing that stood out from him was the white porcelain mask which emotionlessly stared back at her, the only emotion was his blue eyes from underneath which blinked in anticipation.

"Why aren't you helping Wilken?" The woman asked, her voice lost in thought.

"It's not my job. Your gods decide the fate of your worlds, you are an apostle of one aren't you Ms. Eon?" Wilken spoke, putting both of his hands on his hips as he looked down toward the apostle.

"There's a difference between an apostle and a-" Eon pouted slightly as she groaned in annoyance. "Fine! If you don't want to help then I'll find someone else to help." Eon quickly turned her back, this was just a waste of time. She didn't spend this long just to have a smartass try and solve her problems!

"The gate." Wilken spoke, the two words echoed in the hall like it was some sort of key phrase, enough to make Eon stop and turn around.

"What are you talking about? What about the gates? I know they're a problem." Eon shot back, her eye was twitching from the amount of hidden rage she had in her right now.

Wilken sighed, he sort of wished he had one of his wives to help him at this moment... Iris would've been a good help right now. "Two months ago a gate opened up on the other continent towards the east, Have you ever wondered why some Ozonis started getting shipped out there more than usual?"

"So? What should I do about it?" Eon replied, crossing her four arms together with a slightly tilted head.

"That's up to you. I can't help in the meantime. But perhaps they can help you." Wilken bowed his head slightly to her as he looked back up to her. "You know where to find me ma'am."

Eon took a second to think about the small hint Wilken gave, well... it was better than nothing. Maybe this new world can assist her. 

Authors Note: Been a while? I've taken a long break, like I said, no promises, but I might publish the second book soon. 

GATE (Thus the JSDF fought there): BreakthroughWhere stories live. Discover now