29. Hwa

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After helping me cover my love bites, Cina lectured me again, then wished me luck and left.

I sat, looking at myself in the mirror. What am I doing? I should tell Mingyu?

I picked up my phone. "No" I shouted to the empty apartment, "telling him will make him worry, he doesn't need that right now"

I looked at my lock screen, Mingyu and I lying on his bed, one of the selfies we took on the day he asked me out.

Nothing is going to change.

I won't let my father break me.

His expectations mean nothing.

I closed my eyes and took some deep breaths before standing up.

I packed my phone, lipstick, and a pack of cigarettes into a little black bag that matched my full-length, polar-neck black dress.

I couldn't risk, Mingyu's markings showing.

I tried my hair into a low pony and sighed. I hope Mingyu's night goes better than mine.

I grabbed my keys and left the apartment.

Me: on my way to meat my dad.
Me: I mean meet, sorry, nervous
MyGyu♡: relax my love
MyGyu♡: Everything's going to be fine
MyGyu♡: I'm leaving too, I'll see you after?
Me: well I'm going to need a pick-me-up
Me: and a lot of alcohol 😭
MyGyu♡: 😂😂

I left my phone on the passenger seat and started the car.

I ran a hundred scenarios through my head, trying to figure out how I was going to disappoint my father this time.

I need to smoke, I rolled the windows of my Jeep down at the red light and took a cigarette out of my bag.

I got to the restaurant, this place is soooooo my father.

The valet took my car.

I looked at the building, the place was huge, I walked up the marble steps, heels clinking with every step.

After taking deep breath, I entered.

"Hwa-young" my father's voice made me shudder. I looked at him, his suit he looked so... stern.

"Father" I bowed. We haven't spoken in 5 months what the hell am I supposed to tell him? "I need to tell you something... I don't want to do this diner-"

"Woo Hwa-young! You will shut your ungrateful mouth" he whisper shouted. "Are you so determined to embarrass me?" Before he could continue, another man walked in.

"Seul-ki!" His voice echoed "So good to see you outside of the courtroom" They shook hands.

"Hyung, this is my daughter, Hwa-young" I smiled at the man, he looked vaguely familiar, he was handsome for his age, well built, clean shaven.

My father glared at me.

"It's nice to meet you sir" I gave a 90° bow.

"You're even more beautiful in person" he laughed and took my hand, "I hope tonight goes well"

I gave a small smile.

That's highly unlikely.

We walked to the VIP room they reserved.

Both men were immersed in law conversation, I just sat there trying not to fall asleep.

There is his kid? I need to get the night over with.

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