36. Mingyu

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She complained that I wasted money on first-class tickets, but now, she was asleep on the bed with her head nestled in the crook of my neck.

It's five in the morning and I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about last night.

When I said everything about her was perfect, I didn't know that EVERY single inch of her, inside and out, was so painfully perfect, not only were her moans and whimpers perfect, they were the sexiest thing I'd ever heard.

My mind drifted to last night, having her heat wrapped around me gave me life, having her grip my bicep as I pleasured her, the scratch marks were worth it. Her eyes focused on mine while I tried my best not to lose myself, the way she shut her eyes and bit her lip as she reached her climax, the way her back arched when I hit the right spot, and God- when she screamed my name before releasing. That sent me over the edge.

I shook my head to stop myself from getting too aroused by the memory, Hwa shifted, still sound asleep, and threw her leg over my waist. I gulped. Maybe last night wasn't a good idea, you know what they say about intoxication? Once you get a taste you want more.

Her phone rang, and before I could reach it to decline the call, her eyes fluttered open "g'morning" she sighed "I'm so tired"

Having her look up at me with the sleep still in her eyes made my heart swell. She's beautiful.

"How do you feel?" I stroked her hair, she cupped my cheek with her left hand. "Was last night okay? Are you in any pain?" I bombarded her with questions. "I can't read your expression"

Her thumb rubbed my cheek, she's so cute when she's half asleep. "Do you remember when we went to the art gallery, you said you're the one that's supposed to make me feel ecstatic? And I said When you do that, I'll let you know?" She mumbled "Well Mr. GyuMingyu, last night was pure ecstasy, I don't know if I was any good, but you made me feel ecstatic"

She lifted herself to my face and kissed me before I could respond.

This might sound stupid, but I feel closer to her. I feel like she let me in fully, "I'm glad you were my first" she whispered before kissing my cheek.

The plane landed, naturally, Cina was at the airport waiting.

"Lovvvveeeeee" she screamed when Hwa was in sight.

"Baby girrrrllll" Hwa ran to her. They hugged and fell to the ground.

"It's been TWO days! You two are acting like your lover got back from war" I offered both girls my hand and helped them off the floor.

"Firstly, shut up and secondly TWO days without my wife is too much" Hwa nodded along to Cina's statement.

Joshua, who I was surprised to see, came and took Hwa's bag. The girls linked arms and walked in front of us, catching up on gossip.

"Whaaaattt!?" Cina screamed and turned to me. "You!" She waved her accusatory finger in the air "She said she was waiting until marriage" she shouted "and you made her give it up!?"

Hwa stepped between us, laughing "C, I never said I was waiting till marriage, YOU said I was" She held my arm and the rising wave of guilt subsided "I said I was waiting for the one. Mingyu is the one, I know it"

Okay her confessions are starting to scare me

Joshua put an arm around Cina "Calm down babe, Mingyu wouldn't force Hwa to do anything"

"Babe?" Hwa and I said in unison, Cina's shoulders shrunk.

"So what? Joshua and I started dating. Can't I be happy too?"

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