45. Hwa

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Looking at the hall, my heart ached a little, the way the lights hit the crystal chandeliers causing the entire place to sparkle, the red table runners that glittered like stars in the night sky, and the beautiful flower centerpieces on each table. His family must be really proud.

"What are you thinking about?" Joshua nudged me.

I'm thinking about how pathetic my graduation is going to be compared to this.

"Hmmm? Nothing I'm just- admiring the set-up" I forced a smile, "is Mingyu here yet?"

Joshua linked my arm in his "You know Gyu, the drama queen wants to 'make an entrance' whatever that means. Cina couldn't make it so it's just us today" We laughed and found our seats.

"Are you her?" A beautiful girl took hold of my shoulders "You're Hwa right?"

"Minseo?" I smiled "Woah you're more beautiful than I expected!"

Her features were as beautiful as Mingyu's. Her eyes looked like something out of an anime, she had the cutest cheeks I'd ever seen, and her complexion! God, she was gorgeous.

"So you ARE her!" She pulled me into a hug and squeezed me.

"Okay Minseo, let her breathe" Joshua interrupted.

"Shua! Do you know how long I've been waiting to meet her!?" She smiled at me.

"Well she's already uncomfortable and you're not helping" he pulled me to his side.

"It's okay Minseo I don't mind" I glared at Joshua, Minseo told me she'd be back later and went to greet guests. "What's wrong with you!" I slapped Joshua's arm "I need her to like me"

Before Joshua could respond, someone announced that lunch would begin shortly and we should be seated.

I looked around but still didn't see Mingyu.

Me: Where the hell are you?
Me: Get your ass inside right now!
MyGyu♡: Did something happen?

I didn't respond, instead, I put my phone in my bag and spoke to Joshua.

"I think we're okay" was his response when I asked about his and Cina's fight. "We spoke and sorted things out, she told me about her family and her mum..." he ran his hand through his hair "Thanks for looking after her Hwa-young"

"Hey, she's my wife. I'll always put her first" I wasn't lying. Cina was more of a sister than my actual sisters.

The doors burst open and Mingyu marched in. The hall erupted with cheers as he walked to the stage, a smile plastered on his face.

"Stop drooling" Joshua whispered to me.

"How can I, look at my MAN! I can't wait to see what he looks like on our weddi-"
What the hell am I saying? I stopped myself from finishing the sentence and went back to checking Mingyu out. He didn't have a shirt on, just a waistcoat and jacket. There were still faint purple marks on his neck and collarbone.
I smiled to myself when I noticed them

"What did you say?" Joshua giggled at my half-statement.

"If you ever mention me saying that, I'll end you" I didn't take my eyes off Mingyu who took the Mic and thanked all the guests for coming.

I looked at all his family smiling, his father gleaming with pride and his mother tearing up. I felt- jealous? Sad? Knowing that the only member of my biological family that might show up at the actual ceremony is Do-hwan.
He's the only one who cares about me.

I didn't realize I zoned out until the clapping started. He finished his speech?? I- I missed it!?

"Let's go" Mingyu came to the table and offered me his hand "I want to introduce you to everyone"
I protested and refused his request, but he took hold of my wrist and hoisted me out of my seat.

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