Chapter one.

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Mom I'll be out late tonight don't wait up on me, I have some serious over due  assignments that I'm already past due on.
Okay sweetheart, just make sure you stay somewhere safe and let me know when your on your way home. I love you
The library was always empty at this time and I somehow always got a free pass at staying here late, I guess once someone sticks around long enough also helping out free of charge it's a free pass for over staying your welcome. Sitting behind the computer I put on my finishing touches to the report I was supposed to have turned in a week ago. The headline read at the top "what makes a killer" written by jade McKenzie layne. It wasn't my first choice but boy did it make for a great argument, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket I opened it to see a text from Sarah.
Hey girl hey slumber at my house tonight I have wine and our favorite movie ready. Thought maybe you would like to cut your walk in half you know you love me xoxo.
Replying I said of course finishing up right now be there in a sec.
I sent my mom a message letting her know where I'd be for the night then clicked print on the computer. Walking over to the printer I listened to the light hum of the LED lights. It's odd how quiet something can be but also be loud at the same time. I caught a glimpse at my watch and internally cussed myself, how is it already 9:00 I swear it felt like I had just been here for a hour max but somehow three hours had managed to pass. Grabbing my report I stuffed it into my folder slipping a red sticker on it then stuffing everything into my bag. Before I walked out the door I said goodnight to Mr. Link.! Sarah apartment wasn't but a block from the library so I stuck my earphones in and passed the time with music the melody of worship me lulled my nerves and with in seconds I found myself passing the park right by Sarah apartment complex. I felt something drop so I stopped to pick it up my earring had fell out, snatching it up I went to stand then froze. There in the distance stood a tall figure just watching me; now I don't know about you but I wasn't about to be another statistic so I booked it. Approaching the gate I didn't give it any time to open I hopped that bad boy then took off in the direction of Sarah apartment. I ran pushing my legs as fast as they could go. Never stopping for a second not even when I heard the laughter that came from behind me. Damnit Sarah why did you have to choose a apartment that was upstairs instead of one that was on the lower level. I was basically pulling myself up the stairs to her apartment then collied with her door. I watched as she opened it a little alarmed out of breath I said call 9-1-1 someone followed me here. She took no time in locking the doors and typing in the number.
9-1-1 what's your emergency
Um yes my friend was chased by someone to my apartments
Ma'am can you describe the person you seen
She held the phone to her shoulder, well what did he look like.
I don't know he was to far away when I seen him. Tall white hoodie weird laugh
Sarah told the 9-1-1 operator the description I gave her
Okay ma'am we're sending someone out right now make sure all doors are locked and wait for a knock at the door they'll be there shortly.
My breathing finally slowed and the shock fading a little I looked at my best friend and said I'll take that glass of wine now. She didn't find it amusing at all and honestly neither did I but if I was gone talk to the officer that was coming out I was gone need some liquid courage. We sat waiting for the officer to come and finally came a knock at the door. Who is it? Lapd we got a call about a chase? Opening the door I said yes that was us. The police took our report and told us to call if anything else happened or if I remembered something. I told Sarah I just wanted to shower and go to bed she understood and didn't push to keep me up with her, Sarah is a night owl and I'm more of a morning person. Grabbing some of her clothes from the closest I set out for the bathroom. All I wanted to do was wash away the night I've had, I'm definitely taking a sick day tomorrow my assignment's will have to wait and my professor will just have to deal with it. Stepping into the shower I just let the water run over me closing my eyes, I thought, grove hill is normally a pretty safe place nothing to bad happens beside a few dui's and parking tickets so I can't completely wrap my head around being chased by some stranger. By this time the water had turned cold and I was itching to feel the silk sheets on Sarah's expensive bed. Walking to the room I passed by a highly focused Sarah watching something on the tv! Whatcha watching. She shhhed me and signaled me to come over to where she was sitting. The tv flashed blue and red lights at the library that I was just at not even two hours ago. Then the news reporter came on "yes John it seems here at the library the books really do never rest, we have gotten news that at exactly 12:45 as they went to close their doors for the night someone snuck in. The police report reads they found a body with books lined around the deceased man known as Mr. Link Jenkins. Whoever it was left no traces now the question begs do we have a killer on our hands? Back to you John"
Hey Sarah I think imma stay a few nights just until this clears up is that okay.
As if I'd let you leave after hearing that, call your mother and tell her to lock up. It's looking like we might have a murder on our hands!

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