Chapter two

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The phone kept going to voice mail and everytime it did I grew more worried. Finally I got a few rings then mom answered. Sweetie what's wrong it's so late is something wrong? Wasting no time I "said get out of bed now go lock every window and door in the house I don't care if you have to make your way to the attic or the basement make sure everything is locked up. Bring the revolver with you! I heard my mother go silent then the light creaks of her footsteps, okay honey I'm doing it right now; what happened tonight that has you so freaked out let's talk about it. Mom I don't want you to freak out but I was chased past mountain chase park on my way to Sarah's I made it to her apartment and called the cops. Listening I heard her take a hard breath in then blow it out oh my god sweetie do you need me to come and get you are you alright what did the cops say....? Mom, mom I'm fine that's not what I'm freaked over what I'm freaked over is that after I left the library some sick'o snuck in and killed Mr. Link two hours after I had left there saying we have a killer in grove hill. A killer in grove hill? Yes mom a blood thirsty killer are you locking everything up? Huffing she said yes and I'm not to happy about being here by myself I know you don't want to leave because of what's happened I just wish your father was back home from his trip! I know mom I'll be calling him tomorrow to tell him he needs to come back home, I'm gone stay a few nights here let things die down a tad Sarah is just as shaken up as I am but we're better as a unit than apart. I'll also call jax and jaz to come home tomorrow so you don't have to feel alone in all of this. I heard her whisper thank you sweetie then say goodnight and the line dropped. I know I should be at home with my mother so that we can feel at peace but I also do not want to leave this apartment with whoever still out there. Sighing I sent jax the first message he's a mommas boy so he'll probably drop everything tonight and go straight home to mom.
Hey Jax's I just wanted to inform you about the events of tonight if you haven't already heard through the news or amber alerts. There's a killer on the lose and I was also chased by him tonight moms at home by herself and scared I told her I'd reach out to you and jaz. So please head home, give mom some comfort and peace of mind! Thax xo:)

Wasn't long til I got a message back saying omw home right now we'll talk more tomorrow I've done alerted jaz picking her up at janes house, thank you for informing me about all of this love you goodnight. With that out of the way I could sleep soundlessly, crawling into the bed I close my eyes and drift right off to sleep.

No no no I can't seem to distance myself enough from whoever is gaining on my heels. It's as if I'm not even running at all trees whip past me as I run further and further into the tree line. Only thinking why me I haven't done anything in my life to deserve this I'm a straight A student a loving daughter and sister and I never do anything to jeopardize my well being or health. Caught up in my head I lose my footing tripping over a branch frantic I looked around trying to find anything to defend myself with I came up empty handed. Then I heard it. The snap of leafs and branches fear sets in and I start crawling backwards, please no I'll do anything just let me go I promise I won't tell no one about this god just let me go please. Looking up I seen the familiar white hoodie but this time it had tiny splatters of red painting it then I heard it the laughter. Hush princess your not dying tonight his voice had a edge to it and my skin prickled with goose bumps. Please let me go. Slinking over he put his finger to his lips then jumped on me knocking the breath out my lugs, shhhh go to sleep. My eyes following his movements as he angled a knife above my chest then came down!

Completely shooting up out of bed I screamed Noooooo grabbing my chest as I sit there crying and screaming. That had to be the worst nightmare I have ever had, it felt so real. I didn't even notice Sarah cradling me when did she even have time to come in here? Looking at her I said he killed me! She moved the hair out of my face telling me I'm safe reassuring me that I was fine. Will you stay with me please. She gave me a nod then put me back to bed sliding in next to me, it had to be a ptsd episode; I don't want ptsd I want to be able to sleep at night and not wake up with night terrors.

The next day I woke up with Sarah's arms wrapped around me and drool on my arms. Oh ew god Sarah get off of me she grunted rolled over and went back to sleep. Sleeping beauty probably won't be up until 10:00, looking at my phone the time read 7:30 we'll I guess it's time to get up and get the day started! Walking over to the spear closet I opened it to find a pair of legging and a sweat shirt I left here a while back. Dressing I over looked myself in the mirror and found my long blonde hair mangled into knots oh no that won't do. Walking to the bathroom down the hall i rummaged through Sarah's things and found a straightener. Finishing I looked at the two half pigtails I had and the under length of my hair one thing was missing, I needed makeup to hind the bags hanging under my eyes I found a drawer full of concealers foundations professional eyelash kits and everything in between. Putting the lashes on first then a tad of concealer under my eyes just brought the whole look together. Thank you god for giving me a best friend that works in the beauty industry it really is a blessing.

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