Chapter 19

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The still  of the night sinks through my mind as I try hard to fight the demons swimming through my nightmares, switching from my night terrors to being Uber aware of the feeling of someone else's presence in the room with me. I can't lie it feels like child's play compared to the nightmares, sitting up my voice comes out in a hushed scream; show yourself! Watching the corner of my room the shadow peels its self from its resting point to only stalk its way towards me. "Hello lily of the valley"! Aren't those deadly? I heard a faint laugh then following a blunt "yes" the next words that slipped out of my mouth was fast and unthought out, are you gone kill me? Searching the room all I could make out was small little movement's and that alone had my heart almost breaking past my rib cage. Then the movement stopped causing my senses to be on full blast. "I don't aim to kill you, but I'd be lying if I said watching you go though the pain that I've caused hasn't been invigorating" my breathing hitches at his answer! I'm tired of playing this game with you doesn't seem like I can run far enough away with out you finding me the next day, you want me psychologically fucked up! " if it wasn't for you we wouldn't be playing this game lily of the valley" let me explain further; that night you came up on me walking home I had just got done gutting this poor soul who just so happened to be in my way. See I have this god awful lust for blood and fear I like to see it written on peoples faces it satisfies the urges kind of like a baby crying for a bottle in the middle of the night" YOUR SICK!! "No lily of the valley were sick" no there is no "we're" it's just you inflicting pain and killing, it's YOUR CHEMICAL IMBALANCE. You have three seconds to leave before I scream  his laugh is full blown and the only thing I can think of is getting out of this room with this phyco, the only question is how when I can't see anything? Stopping my self from sliding off the bed and making a run for it I state once more "show yourself" eyes searching the room till I spot the figure step directly in front of my window! To say I wanted to dissolve right into the bed becoming one with it is an understatement. Felix? " hey sweetie miss me "? My heart sinks then my eyes blur with stars and my body just goes limp. I may have checked out of life but I could still hear Felix, it's okay baby you'll fit right into my world no our world were equally fucked up I'm gone bring back the old more interesting side that was abruptly taken from you! Me and you are the same lily of the valley. Then all of my senses just go null!
Opening my eyes I look around only to find I'm back in my bedroom laying on my bed breathing hitching while all of the flash backs flood my mind. There's no way any of it was real. Going to get up just to be yanked back down by the bite of cold metal on my wrist I start to freak till I can no longer breathe "I'm having a panic attack " tears slide down my face as all I can do is trash against my bindings screams escape my lips as the metal digs into my skin further and further. FELIX PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU LET ME GO, the door swings open and the mother fucker leans on the door just watching me break down. Opening my mouth I say "I'll be a good girl just undo the cuffs please but my pleads get me nowhere as he smiles at me to just tell me "I'm gone break you my little lily of the valley" my chest just giving in on its self as I choke out for air. This is really how I'm gone die with the so called love of my life watching me as I struggle to breathe. Eyes wide with fear then I feel yet another string of sanity snap and as it does I can feel the light dull from my body as an almost dead lamp light would. Looking up all I could see was a wide smile on Felix's face like he had accomplished something massive then he just leaves. I'm in hell this has to be hell! For most of the night I screamed and cussed trashing around in my bindings Felix would come in just to give me a few sips of water then disappear again to finally the house was dead silent and I knew for a fact he was a sleep. Finally thinking straight I formed a plan to get out, grabbing the chain attached to the cuff with my other hand I yank as hard as I can choking back the scream I wanted to let past my lips then unhooked the other hand. Crawling out of bed was gone be easy but making it across the floor with out it creaking was gone be a task, swinging my legs over the side of the bed I stand on my top toes with slow movements and make it to the door. The damn door makes the loudest CREAAAK so instead of being gentle I swing it open pushing my feet as far as they'll go  all the way down the steps to the front door for it to already be open. Freezing and knowing I only have seconds to decide what I want to do. I could close the door lock it and find some where to hide or i could make a run for it. I was being bated I thought he was a sleep and I'm officially the GAME!
It's time to play.
Dropping to the floor I let everything sink in I relive every nightmare til a big smile stretches across my face. All my therapy sessions out the window no more worrying about medication that makes me feel happy go lucky just the darkest parts of me shining back through.!

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