Chapter 16

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Looking at the phone in my hand that held the little message I have received from the physo killer I hadn't realized that my mother had made it home.

Oh Jade honey you're home, how has it been adjusting to your new life?

Mom we're not married yet. I'm not gone lie it's been a little taxing, things aren't what I'd thought them to have been!

We'll let me make you're favorite dish and we can dissect it over dinner and wine.

Sounds good to me. Thank you mom I can always count on you.

Of course honey I'm always here for you. But don't forget I took nine months to grow your heart do not let someone break it within a few days!

Blinking. I couldn't remember the last time I had heard my mother feed me that line. It truly made me feel a little bit better about my situation with Felix, I just don't understand the change in his personality here recently. One moment he's hot the next he's cold it's all giving me whiplash! I know I want him but the question stand do I need him? Clicking on the tv I switched between channels until I came across a news reporter. I stopped immediately then turned up the volume.

*news reporter*
Are we rolling?
Yes so here behind me is the latest scene of one of the small town killers victims it is currently 11:30 Friday night here at eagle point mountains. It seems as if the killer had broken into the home of Kennth and Maddie hickens  and we had just gotten an update on the condition of what it's like in there. It's said that the kids had woken up to screams coming from their parents bedroom so they went to see what was going on only to find both of their parents throats completely sliced through. The EMT are on sight and the lapd was here before hand. It's said that they found yet another message left behind in which it states "you can't hide forever come and get me" the forensics team is working on finding anything that could lead us to know who is behind all these gruesome murders. Looks like he's back and the community won't be sleeping tonight. Back to you John.

Before I could get anything else out of my mouth my mother was already locking every door in the house. "You take the upstairs bedrooms and I'll finish up locking up down here" nodding my head I rushed up the stairs I'd walking in and out of each bedroom making sure each window was locked and secured finally I grabbed the pad lock from the vacant chair in my room to attach it to the attic door. Turning toward the hallways I heard a big commotion in the kitchen. MOTHER! MOTHER ANSWER ME!! Turning the corner to the stairs I flew down then within a matter of seconds. Pausing at the kitchen doorway I see my mother laid out on the floor with pools of blood surrounding her body. Instantly I fling into action grabbing a towel off of the oven then sliding on my knees beside her. NO NO NO MOTHER GOD DONT DO THIS TO ME NOOOOOOO. I kept pressure on her wound all while sliding my phone out of my pants pocket fumbling it a few times before I could get it unlocked. My fingers arms and hands are covered in blood it was becoming very difficult to dial up 9-1-1 till finally I had gotten it. I laid the phone on the floor beside me pressing the speaker button and waited. Then from behind me I heard it. Tsk tsk tsk I wouldn't do that if I was you? Turning to face the man who I knew for a fact had committed the crime I slowed my breathing keeping eye contact the whole time and told him "it may not be today or a month from now but I am coming for you and when I catch you you'll be playing my game by my rules"!

9-1-1 operator
Hello? Ma'am are you there?

Yes I'm here. I never moved my eye contact from the person standing now in front of me "the killer is at my house he just stabbed my mother I'm holding compression on her wound but I need a ambulance and the cops now" I heard the lady go silent then heaven a massive amount of air.

9-1-1 operator
Are you hurt ma'am?

No but I can tell you who will be if the cops and ambulance doesn't get here right now

9-1-1 operator
Okay ma'am just stay with me for a little bit we're sending everyone out right now, are you somewhere safe?

No! Like I said he's right infront of me my mother is laying here dying and there might be another murder if someone doesn't show up right now.

9-1-1 operator
Ok I understand sweetie just try to remain calm until someone can make it. It looks like the officer is about 10 min away he should be Arriving any minute now.

Okay. She's losing a lot of blood what about the ambulance is it close!?

9-1-1 operator
Yes honey your doing great just breathe they will be there shortly. Is your mother still breathing can you feel a pulse.

I-I don't know I haven't checked!

9-1-1 operator
Ok what I want you to do is take your phone and place it under her nose if your phone fogs up she's breathing. After that I want you to place two fingers on the right side of her neck then count to 20.

I did as she told me to then muted the Mike. Directing my full attention on the psycho in front of me. You really are so delusional to think that killing off my family and friends will have me come seek you out? All I got was a smile. We'll guess what I have my own little surprise for you. I watched as his eyes got big.

You're just now starting to play the game luv it's your move.

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