Chapter thirteen

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A month. One small months has gone by there's been no strange occurrences or missing people posters. Just dead silent. On the outside everything has gone back to normal but deep down we are all just waiting for something to happen. On edge is the understatement.
A lot has changed a lot has been taken away a lot of things have been unspoken. My mind keeps circling around the fact of the message that was left for me to see on my sisters body, it took jaz what seems like forever to recover she never spoke after she would stay in bed not moving rarely even changing out of her clothes. We had to hire someone to come and take care of her, between me switching my curricular
In college and getting engaged I haven't had enough time to be home to help out.
I'll be honest after everything happened I didn't want to leave home I wanted to phase in with the walls and just stay stuck, it caused so many arguments between me and Felix and there for a min I thought we wouldn't make it past our engagement.  Don't get me wrong I understand his concern I understand his distain but what I can't completely wrap my head around is how he can be so comfortable with pushing me to be uncomfortable.  Within those small moment of arguments I threw up in his face that he could deal with it that I'd be switching from his class to another. All I got was a "fuck Jade don't be like that"!
You'll be disappointed to know that I did in fact cave, I told him I'd move in with him on the condition that through out three months I'd stay with my parents and that he could have me for the next three months.  He wanted to protest but I told him he could either take the deal or leave me alone.
Don't get me wrong the house is beautiful and I could see myself building a family there what's got me hung up is I don't know if I'm ready for a baby with everything that has happened. My poor father almost had a heart attack when I told him the conditions of me moving into the house. Listening to the professor I kept dosing off then my body would shake its self back awake, feeling my phone buzz in my pocket I slid it out checking it jaz had messaged me
Can you come home. Everyone is treating me like I'm some nut case. I'm already in a bad head space I need my sister. I want to grab dinner to try and find some normalcy plus you haven't shown me the ring. I miss you!

I couldn't believe what I had just read? Texting her back I said class ends in about 30 minutes then I'll be heading her way, now the question stands will she be able to be out in public without having an episode. The doctors strongly advised against her being out side of her comfort zone and or away from mom and dad. School was completely out of the equation which is upsetting because she had half of senior year before she got to walk. My phone buzzed again drawing me away from my thoughts it was Felix this time, he's been very attentive with me as of here recently.

Leave the classroom

I will do no such of a thing

Baby please

Why so we can argue some more?

I don't want things to be like this between us just please meet me in the cafeteria.


Gathering my things I got up making my way towards the door, but before I could make it past the threshold my new professor stopped me. "Miss Jade where are you going"? Blinking several times I couldn't find a solid excuse on why I was leaving so i blurted the first thing that came to mind "sorry sir Mother Nature waits on no women"! I watched as he watched me then motioned for me to go ahead and leave. As I was walking I caught a glimpse of something by the front door of the college, approaching it I saw it was the most beautiful blood red rose I had ever seen the petals were full and spread out perfectly. One of the thorns pierced my skin and I watched as the blood pooled on the tip of my finger. Scarlet and pretty I thought to myself, something so pretty could be deadly I heard someone say from behind me! Turning I seen one of my class mates. " yeah I wonder  who would have just left it here"? He shrugged his shoulders then asked "going somewhere"? Oh you know, have to meet my fiancé to talk about some growing pains! Catch you around might ask for the notes or something bye. "Don't you think if you're having growing pains your partner should understand and be more a wear of your feelings"? Laughing lightly i turned to look at him, his eyes were dead set on mine "I'm just saying if someone truly loves another person they wouldn't put you through something that clearly makes you feel uncomfortable! Why not just set it free so it can flourish"? Okay now I'm stunned by this guy! He's acting like he knows my story it's getting a little intense. "So it sounds like you've had your own experience"! Once again he shrugs. " eh I'm a hopeless romantic gets a little erratic and over powering sometimes reminds me of what I'd imagine blood lust to feel like"! Now hold the fuck up I know I didn't just hear this man comparing romance to blood lust. "So what's your story"? I watched as he looked to the ground. " me? I'm part of the broken heart club, same story as everyone else on this rock I loved a little bit to deeply had my heart ripped out a few times by a women who wanted control over intimacy"! Frowning I said I'm sorry then went to walk away to just pause, I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name? "Eric my names Eric and it was a pleasure meeting you".

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