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Tae: "condition? What is your condition?"

Jungkook: *smrik*"you have to play video games with me right now otherwise forget getting forgiveness"

at first Tae didn't agreed but who is he to refuse his bunny so after sometime he agreed and they both played video games till 1:00 am then slept cuddling

Time skip
3 days later
In these 3 days nothing much happened everything was normal

Right now jin is doing a surgery and this is his 4th surgery today that means he is hella tired moreover last 2 days were hectic for him he couldn't rest properly!!

After surgery jin is now in his cabin checking some files of patient's which taehyung was told to prepare
He found some silly error which could have created trouble if jin didn't checked it. He didn't expect this mistake from tae. He angrily called tae

On call

Jin: *hella angry*where are you??I want you in my cabin within 2 minutes *hanged up without listening him*

Tae: *in mind- oh God what happened he sounded so angry*

As always Tae entered jin's cabin without knocking

Jin: *became more angry* "is this your manners huh? Entering your senior's cabin without knocking"

Tae: *scared* "sor-ry -hy-ung"


tae: *flinched* "s-or-rry - hy- sir why d-id yo-u call-ed me "

Jin : "oh you want to know why I called you huh look here *threw the file on his face* IS THIS HOW YOU MAKE FILE SERIOUSLY?? HOW CAN YOU BE SO IRRESPONSIBLE?? WHAT IF I DIDN'T CHECKED IT IN LAST MINUTE? TELL ME WHY ARE YOU SILENT NOW??

tae: *teary eye* *found his mistakes on files* "I a-m rea-lly ver-y sor-ry -hy-u- sir I - will correct i-t no-w"

Jin : *angry cold voice* "correct this file now and complete the ppt which I gave you today only before 8 pm otherwise no one will be worst then me UNDERSTOOD NOT GET LOST"

tae: *flinched* ye-s s-ir understood"

He ran to an empty room and cried his heart out. Tae really gave his heart and soul to become doctor and is jin hyung his role model called him irresponsible which he surely isn't but he is also human and humans make mistakes.
Tae is really disappointed at himself. After crying for sometime he washed his face and started correcting his file
After 30 minutes he completed the file and thought to take break but then he remembered that jin told him to make ppt also that too before 8 and right now its 2 pm and it will take lot of time to make it so he started making ppt skipping his lunch

Meanwhile here in jk's school

Right now jungkook is in principal office that means rm's office and hobi is also there

Hobi: "jungkook no matter how many time we told you don't create trouble don't get involved in fight but no you will not listen right?" *Disappointed tone*

Joon: "did you saw that boy's face huh ? You almost broke his nose"

Jk: *silently looking down*

Joon: *angry* now why are you silent while cusring him you were not silent huh"

Actually what happened jk and eunwoo were walking in corridor the suddenly kai and his 2 minions came and here is what happened -

Kai: "oh look who is here our jungkook ! most unlucky boy

Jungkook: "shut up and get lost"

Kai : "oh my god someone got guts to speak huh" *slapped jungkook*

Eunwoo: "how dare you"?

Kai: "you shut up bitch if your jungkook agreed to steel question paper form his so called hyung then I wouldn't bully you but no he couldn't do that you know what jungkook you are so naive that why you are orphan and your parents left you" *laughing with his friends*

Eunwoo : "just shut up he is not orphan he has his brothers who love him so much"

Kai: "his brothers will also leave him afterall he is a bruden to his brothers and who will like to live with this shit (refering to jk) oh his brothers his also shit only that's why they are with him till now"

Now jungkook had enough he can't listen anything against his brothers he was deeply hurt because of being called as orphan he slapped kai.
Like this they both stared fighting eunwoo was trying to separate kai and jk. Kai's minions called hobi
Hobi got really angry seeing jk fighting with kai and kai was about to passout he dragged jungkook to joon's cabin and slapped him


Hobi: "now will you mind telling us why you fought" *angry*

Jk didn't say anything as orphan word is continuously ringing in his mind and the thought that if the misbehave his hyungs will leave him
He thought he is burden to his hyung

Joon: *fed up* ok so you won't say anything thing right? Hand out"

Jk: *didn't say anything just put his left hand forward*

Joon: *took out his strick and gave 5 hits on his left out* "go and we will discuss it at home"

After jk went out

Hobi: "did you notice his behaviour? He was very quiet and he even took the hits without saying anything"

Joon: "yes I noticed don't know what happened to him lets talk to him at home

Hobi: *worried* hmm

Joon: "don't get worried hoba we will talk to him ok"

To be continued

Guyss how was this episode do let me know in comments

Thankyou 💜

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