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Saying this yoongi left from there slamming the door very loudly. Honestly he wanted to punish them really badly but he knows punishing them will only make them hate jungkook more. So he decided to do something which will make them realise their mistake..... that is silent treatment. Also seeing their attitude he couldn't talk to them without punishing them

After yoongi left jimin and tae sighed in relief and tae said "he was looking so angry"

Jimin nodded and said "I know right.....I thought he would punish us. I am glad he didn't"

After sometime hobi and Namjoon came back and found the house awfully silent.
Namjoon frowned and said "why is it so quite?"

Hobi equally confused as namjoon "I don't know....where is everyone..JIN HYUNG..... YOONGI HYUNG....WE ARE BACK"

Usually Every day at this time everyone stays in the living room only and it is far from silence. So seeing no one in the living room makes them confuse

Hearing hobi's shout yoongi tae and jimin came in the living room and yoongi said "ohh you both are back....how was your meeting"

Namjoon: The meeting was good hyung but where is everyone? why is it so quite

Yoongi sighed and glared at jimin and tae making them gulp and look down.

Yoongi was about to say something but was cut off by jin who was entering the house holding jungkook's hands  "we are back"

All of them looked at jin and jungkook.

Hobi: "where did you both go-" his attention went towards jungkook's plastered wrist he gasped and said "what happened to your hand jungkook???"

Namjoon also looked at his hand and said worriedly "oh my God did you broke it"

Jungkook nodded his head and looked down.

Hobi in a worried and a little angry tone "what were you doing that you broke your wrist?

Jin in an angry tone "why are you asking him hobi. Ask this to jimin and tae"

Hobi confused "huh?...what do you mean"

Jin sighed and told them everything "jungkook's  female friend came in the evening for some project work.......(Told everything)"

Hobi and Namjoon gasped hearing this

Jin continued "not only they hit jungkook this badly but they also said cheap and hurtful things to him"

Jin looked at jimin and tae straight into their eyes and said "You both have never made me so disappointed......I am done with you both"

Jungkook was looking down all this time. He was feeling sacred.

Yoongi: jungkook go to your room. We will come in a few minutes

Jungkook nodded his head and went to his room

After jungkook left yoongi said "and hyung you know what they are not even ready to accept their fault"

Namjoon went towards jimin and tae. He shook jimin harshly and said "what is wrong with you both?......We never punished you hard enough to break your bones then from where you are learning this?"

Jimin and tae kept silent

Namjoon held their jaw and said "why are you silent now huh? SPEAK" saying this left their jaw harshly

They both flinched and tae said "he was being disrespectful hyung he even cursed at us he called us asshole and fuck you" he was trying his best to defend himself and jimin

Namjoon in a very angry tone "SO WHAT?..... No matter what he did no one has rights to punish him this badly.... You could have made him understand by talking to him calmly or by giving him a normal punishment"

Hobi also joined namjoon and said "And it seems like you were not punishing him, you were talking out your anger on him...... Here it was not even his fault. He wouldn't have called you asshole if you talked to him calmly or didn't misunderstood him"

Yoongi: "cursing is bad but in this case you both deserved it and I am proud of jungkook for cursing you both"

Jin while showing them jungkook's reports "here look what you have done to him....you broke his index and pinky finger. You will forget our scoldings till morning but he will have to bear with the pain WHICH YOU BOTH HAVE GIVEN HIM for  more than a month"

Hobi: now we have to protect jungkook from his own brothers....well done jimin (sarcasm)

This statement pricked their heart .Now they were starting to feel guilty.

Yoongi corrected hobi and said "it is not only jimin's fault hobi.... tae should be blamed equally...he was just standing there looking at the drama instead of stopping him"

Namjoon threatening them "you both have hurt him enough so now stay away from jungkook..I don't even want to see your shadow near him otherwise you will see my worst side"

Jimin looked at namjoon wil teary eyes and said "hyung-"

Yoongi cut him off and said "shut up...we don't want to hear your bullshits.... everyone let's go from there"

Everyone except jimin and tae nodded and were about to leave but jin turned back and said "don't forget what namjoon said..STAY AWAY FROM JUNGKOOK"

While yoongi jin hobi and Namjoon were on their way to jungkook's room jin said "I will give them a very hard punishment after giving jungkook medicines"

Yoongi stopped him and said "no hyung...... they didn't realise their mistake yet so punishing them will make them hate jungkook more
.....lets ignore them to make them realise their mistake"

Hobi nodded and said "yes hyung yoongi hyung is right....I am sure after sometime they themselves will come to us asking for punishment"

Namjoon also agreed and said " I also think ignoring them is the best idea for now.... And also I don't think anyone wants to deal with them right now"

Jin thought for a second and said "hmm you all are right I guess.... Lets ignore them for now but I will definitely punish them later"

(Thank you for 100+ votes on the last chapter of this series and the 2nd last chapter (46) of our Precious Family. I am very happy (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
This is first time I got 100+ votes. (⁠✷⁠‿⁠✷⁠)(⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)

To be continued

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