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After doing blood test and all needed tests and check up which took about 2 hours, doctor came out and said

Doc: I have checked him his body is very weak it seems like he didn't ate anything properly for few days. He also have vitamin deficiency for which he has to take medicines for 1 month

Jin: when will he wake up mr moon( doc's name) *worried*

Mr moon: I have given him heavy shot so he will not wake up till morning.

Hobi: when can we take him home?

Mr moon: after 2 days. Actually there is one more thing and its quite serious.

Everyone asked together " what"

Mr moon: he is going through depression.

After listening this everyone froze on their spot. They didn't know how to react

Mr moon: also he doing self harm there are uncountable cuts on his both upper arm

Everyone started tearing up thinking that their baby was suffering so much and they didn't had any idea of it.

Mr moon: I would suggest you to talk to him softly and take him to psychologist.

Doctor went from their and kim brothers were still standing their being shocked.

Jin: its all my fault. I didn't looked after him properly.

Yoong: no hyung its my fault. I punished him when he needed us

Jimin: our baby was suffering and here we were busy ignoring him.

Namjoon couldn't take anymore he burst out crying saying "its my fault I gave this stupid idea of ignoring him" *crying badly*

Jin went towards rm and hugged him.
"Its ok namjoonaah what was supposed to happen happened.
Guys lets not waste our time by blaming our self lets think how to cure jungkook."

Time skip

Everyone is in jungkook's ward.
It is 12 in night. Suddenly jin said.
" You all go and take rest I am here.

Yoongi: "yes you all go me and hyung are here to look after jungkook"

Jin: you also go yoongi

Yoongi: don't even expect from me that I'll go

Jimin and tae: I will also not go

Namjoon: I don't want to go

Hobi: me too

After convincing for like 20 minutes they finally agreed to go.
Right now yoongi is sitting beside jk ruffling his hair lovingly and jin is in balcony which is attached to jk's ward.

Yoongi thought to see jin as he didn't came out of balcony till now.

He entered balcony and saw jin talking to himself.

Jin: *to himself* I am such a bad brother, my jungkookie was in so much pain and I didn't knew it. We ignore him for failing in exam but here I failed as a brother. *Tears dripping*

Yoongi also stared crying seeing jin like jin. He back hugged jin.

Jin didn't say anything.

Yoongi: hyung please don't say like this you are the best brother in this world.

He still didn't say anything so yoongi turned jin towards himself and hugged him tightly.

Yoongi: its not your fault hyung. You were saying us to not blame ourselves but here you are yourself blaming you.

Jin: *crying in Yoongi's embrace* I don't know what to do.

Yoongi: we will figure it out hyung don't worry.

Jin: you know today in morning he asked me in very broken voice to stop ignoring him. I am feeling like a worst human for not comforting him at that time. Will he hate me now .

Yoongi: how can he hate you hyung you are his mother father brother everything. He loves you most.

Jin: *hugged him more tightly*

After silence of 2 minutes yoongi said while tearing again
" Hyung I am feeling very guilty for punishing him"

Jin: we will make up to him don't worry.

They both cried in eachother's embrace for 5 more minutes then went towards jungkook.

Time skip
Next morning

Everyone came back to hospital.
Doc told that Jungkook is about to gain his consciousness back.

Namjoon: hyung look he is waking up.

Everyone became very happy seeing jk waking up

Jungkook: *opened his eyes slowly and realised his surroundings* hospital?

Jin: yes baby you fainted yesterday. How are you feeling. It is hurting anywhere? Should I call doctor. Why are you not saying anything baby.

Jungkook: *smile* hyung let me talk. I am fine.

Jin hugged him.

Jungkook hugged him back and started crying silently thinking that finally his Hyung is talking to him and hugging him.

Jin felt jungkook shaking. He pulled out from hug and got saw jungkook whole face stained with tears.

Jin: what happened baby why are you crying.

Jk: nothing hyung. *Wipeing his tears*

Hobi: *patting his head* tells us baby it is hurting anywhere.

Yoongi: are you having a headache?*concerned*

Namjoon: do you want a massage?

Tae: is something bothering you?

Jimin: are you hungry.

Jungkook started crying more badly seeing everyone's concern he became emotional.

Jin: *because hella worried* please jungkook say something. What happened?

Jungkook: *sobbing* I love you all so much. Please don't ignore me.

Namjoon. *Sat on his bed* we are sorry Baby for ignoring you. We will never ignore you now please forgive us.

Jungkook hugged him and said. "I am not angry hyung just don't ignore me from now.

Everyone hugged him one by one and apologized to him. Now it's yoongi's turn. Yoongi was controlling himself from crying. As soon as he sat on jk's bed, jungkook hugged him tightly.

Now yoongi couldn't control himself. He started crying.

Yoongi: "please forgive me for punishing you. Don't hate me please"

Jk: " hyung I told you na I am not angry and how can I hate you. I love you soooooo much.

Finally everything became normal between kim brothers.

But will they be will take him out of depression

To be continued

I hope you liked liked it

Stay tuned
Thankyou 💜

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