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Yoongi honestly didn't want to step foot in the office. Firstly, it was because of Tae. He couldn't bear to be away from him. But there was another reason – Minho. He regretted every harsh word he had ever spoken to him. The thought of facing Minho filled him with dread, and that's why he was avoiding going to the office altogether. The anticipation of seeing Minho tomorrow made his stomach churn with nerves.

Time skips

Next day

Jungkook, namjoon and hobi went to school. Yoongi went to the company and jimin was asleep. Hobi and jimin went home early in the morning to cook some healthy food for tae and jin.

Tae was scrolling through his phone and jin was just laying on the bed getting bored (his sick leave got approved). Suddenly jin got up and stood up from the bed and said "I am going out for sometime"

Tae stopped him and said "where are you going". "I am getting really bored here so I'll just go on a round to check patients of the general OPD" said jin

"No you are not going anywhere. You are sick...you need rest" said tae. "I am fine tae...I'll just check the patients and come back quickly" said jin. He really didn't like laying in bed and doing nothing

"No you are not going anywhere. Just lay down on the bed" said tae this time in an authoritative tone.

"But tae-" said jin but got cut off when tae said "you want me to come there" (near the door frame where jin was standing) saying this he sat down on the bed and was about to get up but jin immediately went to him and stopped him While saying "are you mad? Don't you know you are not allowed to walk much"

Tae's lower body was abused badly and he didn't receive any rest or treatment for more than a week so he had difficulty in walking. He is not allowed to walk much. Just 10 minutes a day which gets covered in his evening walk. Everyday he goes for an evening or night walk with any of his brothers for the peace of mind.

Jin sat beside him and said "I will not go anywhere fine". Tae hummed. Jin cupped tae's face and said "aish! Don't get mad at me...I'll not go anywhere...I promise"

Tae patted the space beside him on bed indicating jin to lay down beside him. Jin laid down beside him and tae wrapped his arms around jin. Jin hugged him back and tae snuggled more into him enjoying his warmth.

Tae was blaming himself for jin's condition. He thought because of him jin couldn't take care of himself and ended up getting sick. He was feeling pathetic. He always tries really hard to forget about what happened to him, but some things just stick with you forever. Even if the memories start to blur, they never really leave you. It's like trying to wash away a stain that just won't budge. No matter how much he wants to move on, those memories are like stubborn stain that refuse to leave.

Meanwhile with yoongi-

In his office, Yoongi felt restless. He asked for his usual coffee, expecting Minho to bring it like always. But for some reason, he couldn't stop thinking about seeing Minho. It was strange because they saw each other every day, but today felt different.

Yoongi wasn't sure why he was so eager to see Minho. They usually just did their jobs and didn't talk much except a few days back where they got a little close. But now, he couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to talk to him.

Then, he remembered the mean things he said to Minho the other day. He felt bad about it, but he wasn't sure if he should say sorry. It felt weird to admit he was wrong.

As Yoongi waited, he thought about what to do. Should he swallow his pride and apologize, or just let things be? It was a tough decision, and Yoongi wasn't sure what to do.

⦕꧁ 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔꧂⦖Where stories live. Discover now