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"Leave me please....stay away...don't  hurt me..... please"Taehyung was really scared during his panic attack. He couldn't even tell that his own brothers were there. He started yelling, thinking they were going to hurt him. He thought they weren't his brothers, but people who wanted to harm him. His fear made everything seem scarier, turning his brothers' faces into something sinister, and making him think every little thing they did was a threat.

Jin's hands gently grasped Tae's shoulders, his voice a soothing melody amid Tae's rising panic. "Calm down, Tae," Jin urged, his words laden with reassurance. "We would never harm you"

Tae squirmed in Jin's grasp, his whole body trembling with fear " let me go... please....I am scared" he begged, his voice barely a whisper, filled with both fear and a sense of helplessness. Each word seemed to carry the weight of his terror, as if he was pleading for his very life.

Gently, Jin lifted Tae's chin, his touch tender yet urgent. "Tae its me..... Jin hyung" he implored, his voice quivering with emotion. "Please, open your eyes and see me. I'm here."

Tae's eyelids fluttered open slightly, uncertainty clouding his gaze. "Jin hyung?" he murmured, his voice barely a whisper, laced with a mixture of hope and doubt. It was as if he could hardly believe what he was seeing.

With a reassuring nod, Jin affirmed, "Yes, Tae. It's me Jin hyung." He gestured towards Namjoon, whose worried expression mirrored his own concern. "Look, Namjoon is here too," Jin continued, his voice gentle yet firm. "You're safe with us, Tae. There's no need to be afraid."

Tae wrapped his arms tightly around Jin's waist his tears flowing freely as he buried his face against Jin's chest. Jin held him close, feeling the weight of Tae's sorrow. With gentle strokes, he rubbed Tae's back, offering silent solace and unwavering support in their embrace.

"Hyung....I don't want to be like this...I feel helpless...I hate his feeling" said tae. "It's ok tae... you'll be fine soon... Hyung will make you completely fine" said jin

In the embrace, Tae's grip on Jin was tight, almost desperate, as if clinging to him for dear life. His body shook with the intensity of his emotions, and tears streamed down his cheeks unchecked. Pressing his face into Jin's chest, Tae sought refuge in the warmth of their embrace, finding solace in the familiar scent of his brother.

Jin could feel the tremors running through Tae's frame, each one a testament to the depth of his anguish. With a tender touch, Jin began to rub small circles on Tae's back, a gesture meant to offer comfort and reassurance in the face of overwhelming distress. As they held each other close, a silent understanding passed between them, transcending words as they shared the weight of Tae's sorrow.

Sensing Tae's profound need for comfort, Namjoon approached from behind and enveloped both Tae and Jin in a tender embrace. His arms wrapped around them, completing the circle of solace.

As the moments passed, Tae's sobs gradually subsided, and the embrace loosened. Jin and Namjoon gazed at Tae's tear-stained face, their hearts aching with empathy for his pain. With a gentle touch, Namjoon wiped away the remnants of tears from Tae's cheeks, his gesture conveying silent reassurance. Meanwhile, Jin tenderly offered Tae a glass of water, his eyes filled with love and concern. Leaning in, he pressed a soft kiss to Tae's forehead, a gesture of comfort and affection, reminding Tae that he was surrounded by care and compassion.

After that, Jin gently applied fresh bandages to Tae's upper body, each touch infused with care and tenderness. With every careful motion, he sought to alleviate Tae's discomfort and provide him with a sense of relief.

As time passed, Tae gradually drifted into sleep while engaged in conversation with Jin and Namjoon, their comforting presence lulling him into a peaceful slumber. Meanwhile, Jimin, Hobi, and Jungkook returned, their hearts softening at the sight of Tae peacefully asleep. They exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging the bond of support that surrounded their brother in his time of need. With gentle smiles, they approached, careful not to disturb Tae's rest, grateful for the solace he found in the company of his closest brothers.

Meanwhile with yoongi-

"At least tell me what is wrong I am getting worried-" said Minho but yoongi cut him off by jerking his hand away "SHUT UP! Why can't you just mind your own damn business? Just because I was polite to you for a week doesn't mean you can stick your nose into my personal life! You're nothing but a secretary, so do your job and stay out of mine! UNDERSTAND?!" The words erupted from him like molten lava, fueled by frustration and simmering anger, each syllable dripping with contempt and disdain

Minho stood there, stunned by Yoongi's outburst. His heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to make sense of what had just happened. Despite the hurtful words thrown at him, he couldn't shake off his concern for Yoongi.

You're still here?" Yoongi's voice was laced with thinly veiled irritation. "I've already told you to mind your own business, haven't I?" His words were sharper now, cutting through the air with a cold edge.Minho's heart sank as he realized that Yoongi wasn't going to acknowledge the pain he had caused. Instead, he was met with further dismissal and disdain.

"I don't need your sympathy, Minho," Yoongi continued, his tone growing more venomous with each word. "You're just a secretary, so don't overstep your boundaries and start acting like you have any authority here. Understand?"

The weight of Yoongi's words hung heavily in the air, leaving Minho feeling smaller than ever before. He had hoped for understanding, for empathy, but all he received was further rejection and scorn.

With a heavy heart, Minho nodded silently his eyes cast downwards. Watching Yoongi walk away, sadness washed over him, mixing with the sting of Yoongi's harsh words.
In that moment, doubt crept into Minho's mind. Would his love for Yoongi always be one-sided? Would Yoongi never see him as anything more than a secretary? Minho couldn't shake the feeling that maybe some bonds just weren't meant to be repaired, and some feelings would always go unreturned.

As soon as Yoongi departed, tears welled up in Minho's eyes, streaming down his cheeks. The words from Yoongi, whom he loved deeply and secretly for the past two years, cut deep into his heart like jagged blades.

Feeling the weight of Yoongi's rejection, Minho's chest tightened with an ache that seemed unbearable. How could someone he loved so passionately disregard his feelings so cruelly?

In that moment of despair, Minho made a painful resolution. If Yoongi couldn't see him as anything more than a mere secretary, then he wouldn't force the issue. He would bury his feelings deep within him and try to avoid acknowledging them, no matter how difficult it may be.

Though his heart ached with longing, Minho was determined to shield himself from further hurt, even if it meant denying his own desires. With each tear that fell, he silently mourned the love that would forever remain unrequited, resigned to a future where his feelings would go unnoticed and unreturned.

As Yoongi walked away, he had no clue how deeply he had hurt Minho, who only wished the best for him. He didn't realize the regret he would feel later.

While saying so this to Minho, Yoongi didn't realise how important it is to control anger and be careful with words. He didn't realize that words can hurt more than physical wounds, especially when they come from someone we love deeply.

Any guesses what will happen next?

Is Minho and yoongi's story finished?

And I won't be able to update regularly for 4-5 days

To be continued

I hope you liked it

Stay tuned

Thankyou 💜

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