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While saying this to Minho, Yoongi didn't realise how important it is to control anger and be careful with words. He didn't realize that words can hurt more than physical wounds, especially when they come from someone we love deeply.

Meanwhile at hospital-

After sometime tae woke up. As soon as he opened his eyes he searched for jungkook. After seeing jungkook safely sitting on couch he sighed in relief and opened his arms for jungkook. Jungkook happily went to him and sat on his lap. Tae kissed jungkook all over his face which made him giggle "hyung...it tickles" said jungkook while laughing.

Tae stopped and wrapped his arms around jungkook. Jungkook also hugged him back and kept his head on tae's shoulder and said "what happened hyungie?". Tae shook his head and said "nothing happened...I was just missing you"

Jungkook who was still on tae's lap looked at jin who was reading some files said "jin hyung see he was missing me...you should have let me skip my exam and be here with him..but no you never listen to me" he said it with a visible pout on his face

Jin twisted his ears jokingly and said "what?...I didn't hear anything....can you repeat." Jungkook laughed nervously and said "I.... uh...I was saying that you did a very right thing by not letting me skip the exam.....exams are very important hyung"

Jin left jungkook's ear and again started doing his work. Jungkook let out a sigh of relief. Laughter erupted from everyone around them, but Taehyung's laughter rang out the loudest, filled with both amusement and affection, as he found immense joy in the moment.

Everyone couldn't help but admire Tae's laughter. It was a heartwarming sight, especially after seeing him so down for days. His laughter brought smiles to their faces, filling the room with a sense of happiness and relief.

Time skips

After 3 days

During these three days, Tae started to feel a bit better. Even though he still struggled with panic attacks and nightmares, there was a small improvement from before. It was like a tiny ray of hope amidst the ongoing challenges he faced. His brothers tried their best to make him feel better, just like he was before.

Everyday jungkook begged to let him skip school and be with his tae hyung but tae somehow convinced him and didn't let him skip school. Hobi and Namjoon also started going back to school.

Yoongi also didn't want to go to work. He just wanted to be in the hospital with tae. He didn't want to leave him not even for a minute. Jin and tae both tried to make him understand to go back to work but yoongi was more stubborn than jungkook. He didn't listen to them and didn't go to work.

Jimin too wanted to stay with tae and skip work. However, knowing Yoongi was also staying and realizing the importance of someone being present at the company, he reluctantly accepted his responsibility and chose not to take leave from work.

Jin spent most of his time at the hospital, always by Tae's side. He really wanted to take time off from work to focus on treating tae but he didn't get leave from work due to short notice. So he had to manage his work, his patients, surgeries etc along with taking care of tae. It was a lot for him to handle, and he was very tired and overworked. He hardly had time to eat because he was so busy. But despite all this, Jin never complained. He was more than ready to do anything and everything for Tae, no matter what.

Currently tae jungkook and yoongi were in the tae's hospital room. Jimin was in the office and hobi and Namjoon went home to bring homemade food for everyone. And jin was in a surgery.

Tae, Jungkook, and Yoongi were having a lively chat. Jungkook was doing most of the talking, excitedly telling them all about his day at school. Tae and Yoongi were really interested, listening carefully and smiling along. Suddenly, they spotted Jin coming into the room looking exhausted. He looked like he really needed rest.

"Jin hyung are you ok?...you look really tired" asked jungkook. Lately he has been noticing his eldest brother looking sick and tried

"I am fine" said jin for the nth time in past few days. "What fine hyung...you really don't look fine from any angle...take a rest hyung" said tae with concern for his jin hyung

Jin chuckled softly and reassured Tae, saying, "You're the one who needs the rest Tae.... Don't worry about me.... I'm fine." He was about to continue when his words were interrupted by black spots dancing in front of his eyes. The room began to spin, and he felt dizzy, gripping his head in both hands. Despite his brothers' concerned voices, he couldn't make out their words. Suddenly, everything went dark, and he felt himself about to collapse, but Yoongi swiftly rushed to catch him in his arms before he hit the ground.

They three panicked seeing jin's unconscious state. Yoongi made jin lay on the couch and said "tae jungkook I am going to call a doctor..stay here only and don't panic" saying this he went from there without waiting for their reply.

Yoongi came back within 2 minutes with a doctor. The doctor checked him and withdrew his blood. They three were watching every step of doctor. After the doctor was done checking jin, yoongi asked "what happened to him doctor"

"He's running a mild fever... I wish I could offer more insight right now... But I'll need to run some blood tests to get a clearer picture. Once we have the results, we'll know exactly what's going on with him."

To be continued

I am back. I took a break for few days because I got food poisoning 🫠🫠
But now I am better 👍🏻

I hope you liked it

Stay tuned

Thankyou 💜

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