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Yoongi scoffed at tae and jimin and said "are you happy now after making your youngest brother scared of you"

Tae's eyes got teary. He was feeling like a shit right now

Jimin too was feeling very bad. He just wants to go back in time and make everything right.

Jin hobi yoongi and Namjoon were comforting jungkook but he was still looking really. Tae couldn't see his only younger brother being this scared of him. He got up and ran from there. Jimin also went behind him.

No one paid attention to jimin and tae because right now their priority is to make jungkook feel safe.

Tae ran to his room and started crying. Jimin comforted him while blaming himself.

After finishing breakfast jungkook said "umm can I skip school today....I really don't feel like going to school today"

Namjoon smiled at him and said "of course baby you can skip school...we are not that cruel to send you school in this condition"

To this yoongi said "You can take as many days off from school as you want"

Jungkook smiled and said "thank you hyung"

Namjoon ruffled his hair and said "it's ok baby and we weren't going to send you school today in first place"

Hobi agreed and said "yes and you know I and Namjoon are also taking a leave today to be with you

Jungkook smiled being happy and said "woh! Really? It's been so many days that we three didn't spent time together"

Hobi smiled looking at jungkook's happiness and said "we will do whatever you say but for now If you want to sleep again then go to sleep its 9 am only"

Jungkook got up and said "ok I going then I am really very sleepy"

He ran from there. Everyone chuckled looking at him.

***In hospital***

Tae tried talking to jin several time but the older just ignored him. After many tries he gave up.

Currently tae is walking in the corridor. A doctor stopped him and said "taehyung?"

Tae turned around and bowed to the doctor "yes sir?"

The doctor handed some files to tae and said "give this to dr. Seokjin"

Tae took the files from the doctor's hand and said "ok sir"

He happily went to jin's cabin thinking that he could finally talk to jin without jin ignoring him.

Tae stood inside jin's cabin and knocked the door. He went inside afted hearing come in from inside .

He saw jin talking to a patient so he stood in a corner silently waiting for the patient to leave. After the patient left he gave the  files to jin and said "Dr wang gave it"

Jin was reading those files. It was a patient's reports. Tae interrupted him and said "I am sorry hyung...I am really very sorry please don't ignore me I will apologies to jungkook also"

Jin sighed and said "how much time does it take for a broken finger to heal?"

Tae looked down and didn't say anything. He knew very well why jin was asking him this question

Jin in a loud voice "speak up you are going to become a doctor in a few months right so you must know it"

Tae in a cracked voice said "3 to 4 weeks"

Jin banged the table and said "so after giving jungkook pain for 3 to 4 weeks you are expecting us to forgive you in one day huh........... Just leave from here "

A tear escaped from tae eyes "I am sorry" he said in a very inaudible voice

Jin yelled and said "LEAVE"

Tae went from there not wanting to make him more angry.

**In company**

Till now jimin has gone to yoongi's cabin more than 15 times. Something for giving coffee, sometimes for giving files, or sometimes with an excuse of asking doubts.

He was doing all this to gain yoongi attention. He was trying his best to make the older forgive him. But it was just making yoongi more angry.

Right now yoongi jimin along with some other employees are in a meeting room. This meeting was with some investers so Mr Choi the ceo of invester's company and his secretary was also present in the room. There are total 50 people.

One by one the employee's of yoongi's company were giving there presentation.

It was now jimin's turn. He inserted his pendrive in the projector and waited for to it start.

As soon as it started he widened his eyes because instead of his presentation it was some random movie. He immediately turned off the projector and said while panicking "I accidentally brought the wrong pendrive I am sorry"

Yoongi had enough now he banged his fist on the table making everyone flinch and stood up "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS KIM JIMIN.... Why are You are so careless..... WHY ARE YOU GETTING PAID HUH? JUST TO SHOW US HOW YOU CAN LAG IN WORK"

Everyone was now looking at jimin. Jimin looked down in shame. He never felt this humiliated in his entire life. Getting scolded like this in front of 50 people who are your co workers and ceo of another reputed company is probably not the best thing anyone would want to experience

After getting no response from jimin Yoongi again yelled and said "WHY ARE YOU SILENT NOW..... This wouldn't happen if you would have focused on your work instead of finding excuses to go to your boss's cabin"

Now everyone was giving wierd looks to jimin. Jimin eyes got teary because of this humiliation. He apologized and said in a cracked voice "I am sorry sir"

Yoongi rubbed his temples and said "Just go from here"

Jimin immediately ran from there. He couldn't bear any more humiliation

To be continued

I hope you liked it.

Stay tuned

Thank you 💜

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