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The doctor said "we did his full body checkup and we found DNA of 3 other people...I am sorry to inform you this but your brother was raped by three people"

Hearing this jin felt like his world stopped. His body went numb. He was about to fell down but the doctor held him and said "Mr kim please control yourself...this is not the time to become weak like this"

Jin managed to control himself from breaking down for the sake of his brother and the doctor continued "his upper body has several bite marks....they are healed a little bit that means it happened a few days ago...but we still need to treat it"

The doctor waited for jin to say something but after not getting any response from jin he continued "as I told you we found DNA of 3 other people....that means he was brutally raped...you have to be strong for him....he must be traumatised badly"

"Can I see him...When will he wake up" jin managed to say only this

"We are shifting him in a normal ward then you can meet him and it will take few hours for him to wake up" said doctor

Jin just nodded his head and the doctor left from there not before patting jin's shoulder to give me some strength. Jin sat down and broke down in tears. He couldn't believe his tae went through all this and never said a word to him. He couldn't even imagine the pain tae must have felt. He thought "Tae....baby... hyung is so sorry for not saving you....you must have called for help..but we were not there..... Why didn't you tell anything to me....why you kept it to yourself"

He was crying badly thinking all this just then his phone ringed. After seeing it was hobi's call He picked it up and said "hobi...come here fast"

Hearing jin's voice hobi panicked and said "hyung! Are you crying?"

"Just come to the hospital and bring everyone else also.... please come fast" said jin while crying hardly

Hobi understood that it is something serious and said "I am coming hyung calm down please... we'll be there as soon as possible"

After hanging up the call jin went to the room where they shifted tae. His heart broke seeing his younger brother attached to several wires. His shirt was removed and several bandages were on his stomach, chest and back. The Iv fluid was connected to his left hand.

Jin went to him with shakey legs and sat beside him. He held tae's hand carefully and kissed it. He caressed tae's hair and kissed his forehead "why did it happen with my tae... He is so pure and innocent...baby..please wake up...I can't see you like this"

Jin kept his head on the back of tae's hand and again started crying.

After sometime jin's crying was interrupted when he saw hobi namjoon jimin jungkook and yoongi entering the room. Everyone gasped seeing tae's condition .

Yoongi went closer to tae and said while observing him "what...what happened to him"

"He...he got....ra..ra-ped...by three people" said jin while trying his best to not cry infront of his brother.

Everyone widened their eyes hearing this hearing this. Jin told them everything whatever doctor said to him. They couldn't believe it. Jimin went closer to tae. He kept his head on tae's chest softly and broke down in tears. He felt terrible that his twin has gone through this much and he didn't have any idea of it.

Hobi was also crying feeling like a shit for not being able to save him. Namjoon was just standing there in anger looking like he could kill anyone at that moment. Jungkook was standing at the door frame continuously wiping his tears. He couldn't see his tae hyung in this condition. Yoongi was standing beside jin being numb. Seeing yoongi's expression jin couldn't figure out what was running in his mind.

⦕꧁ 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔꧂⦖Where stories live. Discover now