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Tae nodded and said "ok ok now sleep bye" saying this he disconnected the call and said to himself "sometimes he worries too much"

After disconnecting the call, tae went to operation theatre to perform his last surgery of the day.

After around 1 hour tae completed the surgery and now he is collecting all his stuffs so that he can go back home . He thought "ahh I am so tired today I just want to go home and sleep.... everyone went home only I am left now"
It is around 1 am now so the hospital is almost empty.

Taehyung was in the parking lot. He was about to insert the key just then he felt a severe pain in the back of his head. He groaned in pain and turned around while holding his head. He turned around and saw three men looking at him with a wide smirk. It took a moment for him to realise that they hit his head with a rod. He was about to say something but suddenly everything turned black and he fell down with a loud thud.

Those three men smiled in victory seeing taehyung loosing his consciousness. They picked him up and took him somewhere.

Meanwhile with jin-

After disconnecting Taehyung's call he went to the balcony. He  looked up in the sky and thought "Mom dad how are you there?.....I am getting a really bad feeling...I...I don't know... whenever I feel like this... something really bad happens.... please protect you kids from there......I don't care about myself I just want my brothers to be safe"

After sometime he went inside his room and slept

Meanwhile with tae-

He shot open his eyes when he felt cold water splashing on his face. He tried to look around but everything was blurred. He tried to move but found himself tied on a chair. He squinted his eyes 2 -3 times to look clearly and found himself in a room. He realised it is a hospital's room. When he looked ahead he saw the same three men standing in front of them. He yelled and said "who are you leave me" he was jerking his hand to losen the ropes.

Those three men laughed at his state and one of them said "calm down boy do whatever you want but it won't open" he laughed like a evil and said "we didn't tied you to open you this soon"

"Uhh leave me you fuckers what is your problem with me huh!" Said tae while still struggling with the ropes.

To this one of the three men said "listen boy with don't have any problem with you but....we do have a problem with your brother Min yoongi that mother fucker fired us from his company and no other company is ready to accept us"

These are the same people whom yoongi fired from work because they bullied jimin

Tae growled and said "DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT MY BROTHER". They three laughed and Max said "he is also like him... can't hear bad about his brother....boy think about yourself not him"

Before taehyung could say anything lucas said "he ruined our life so we will ruin his life by hurting his brothers..... tit for tat"

Taehyung jerked leg to kick him while saying "If you have the guts then untie my me...Leave m-" suddenly he flinched when he felt something poke inside his neck. He looked sideways and saw james injecting him something. He shouted and said "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH ME LEAVE ME"  he was getting sacred but didn't show it on his face

They three scoffed at him and james said "shout as much as you want after few minutes you won't be able do anything"

They three untied tae. Tae ran and went towards the door but found it locked. He turned around and saw Max showing his a key while saying "are you looking for this baby boy"

Taehyung gave him a disgusted look and said "don't call me that you fucker"

Max went closer to taehyung and pinned him on the wall. Before taehyung could react Max smashed his lips again tae very harsly. Tae started hitting max with his fist with full force but Max didn't move he kept kissing tae with full agression. Max bit tae's harshly lower lip making it bleed. Tears started coming out of tae's eyes. He tried his best to push max but couldn't. Suddenly max spanked tae's ass making him gasp loudly. Max inserted his tongue inside tae's mouth. He explored every part of tae's mouth with his tongue. After feeling satisfied Max pulled out and said with a smirk "it was better than I expected"

Tae cried and said "leave me please....I beg you" he was feeling really scared now

They three laughed at him and james said "what happened....you were shouting a few minutes ago now what happened" james went towards tae and ripped his shirt making him half naked. Tae coverd his body with his hands and shouted "HELP SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME"  . "Shout as much as you want. we are in the abandoned part of hospital no one comes here"

Suddenly lucas picked tae and threw him on the hospital bed. Tae groaned in pain and cried. Lucas hovered over tae and attacked on his neck. He started sucking and biting it very harsly. Tae moaned and said "ahhhhhh please stop".

They three were enjoying his pitiful state. Max also hovered over tae and sucked his left nipple. He started sucking it with full force making it bleed. This time tae moaned loudly. Tears were flowing like a river form his eyes. The injection also started showing his effect and he couldn't move his body. His body went numb. He could feel the pain but couldn't move his body

Lucas stopped sucking his neck and pinched tae's right nipple making hin groan in pain. Lucas pinched and twisted it as hard as he could. James who was enjoying the view while standing near the bed, sat on the bed and started biting and licking tae's stomach. They all were sucking, biting, licking tae's upper body making him feel disgusted. Tae couldn't even shout due to injection's effect.

Suddenly They all stopped abusing his upper body and turned him around making him lay on his stomach. Max pulled down tae's pants and boxers making him completely naked. Tae hid his face in the bed in embarassment. He never felt this weak in his whole life.

They three started roaming their and hands all over his body. At this point tae gave up all the hopes of getting and accepted his fate. He could do anything but cry

They all stood up from the bed and made tae also stand. They all looked at tae's naked body from top to bottom making him want to die. This time lucas smashed his lips against tae lips with more force than max. He grabbed tae's ass and kneaded it harshly making him moan loudly in the kiss. Suddenly lucas pushed tae over the bed on his stomach. His upper body was on the bed and legs were on the floor. He entered his hard dick inside tae without any warning and said "enough of time pass....now the real fun beings"

Tae's groaned in immense pain. He never imagined he would loose his virginity like this. The thing which was supposed to be for pleasure was the most painful thing for him at that moment. Tae wanted to shout struggle and hit them but he was helpless.

Lucas came out of tae and spanked him with full force while saying "such a nice ass I wish I could fuck it everyday" saying this he again slammed inside tae with full force making him cry in pain.

After lucas was done with his orgasm, tae thought that finally this torcher is over but he didn't knew it the just the start. After lucas, Max and james also fucked or I am say raped tae until they were satisfied.

Guyss! No one will judge I first time worte something like this

How was it? Who all expected it to be something like this

It was requested by Pbaugust5

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To be continued

I hope you liked it

Stay tuned


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