Are We Friends?

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Balloons POV:

I woke up when it was morning, It was a day like any other day...
(Ref lyr)
I woke up next Nickel who looked SO CUTE!! He was snuggled up to me and he just looked so kissable! I love him!!!...But then again...He might not feel the same way...I sighed at the thought and left his cabin only to be met with Paintbrush leaning against the wall with a...Are they smoking?

"Oh, Morning Balloon..."

"Wait...You smoke?"


"...I-i just cant breathe properly when..."

"Oh, I-i'm so sorry Balloon! I didnt know..."
They quickly extinguished the cigarette and pocket it, We talked for a while until my bae-Guh—Friend!! Yeah Friend!! Nickel woke up, He looked around before plopping onto my stomach still sleepy. I smiled while blushing hard and Paintbrush smirked at me, I just let them smirk at us and they left. Was that a bad idea?...

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