I Miss You...

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Balloons POV:

I started crying as we went back to the Island....
"What's wrong, Balloon?...."

"....I-i really miss Nickel...."

"...I know....But hey....Atleast once the show's over you can go back and be with him again....Right?"

I smiled as Cabby made me Feel better...I then heard Silver sobbing...

Me and cabby said as we continued to hear Silvers Cries....I guess Love really is Weird and Conflicting....Just like Me and....Nickel....

Nickels POV:


We both said as we arrived at the Hospital....We walked up to the front desk and i jokingly said:
"Heh...Hey Nurse, Imagine if Me and this dude were related..."

"...Now that you bring it up...You two look like these two kids that had their parents die in a Car Crash...Funny, Huh?"
Me and Coiny looked at each other again now creeped out....

"I-i'd like to see a photo of them...."
The nurse quickly looked through the drawers until she hands it to us....And she wasnt lying....We really did look like them....

"....W-we were originally here for a DNA test for fun and jokes...."
Coiny said as he returned the picture...

"Oh, Well follow me boys!"

"Actually i identify as a Homosexually attached ramen noodle gay man with 900 bombs to launch on North- I-i'm joking....Dont worry i'm joking...."

Me and Coiny walked along the halls of the Hospital and a bunch of people were staring at me....Maybe it's the fact i'm wearing a Kids shirt....

"...Why'd you wear a My Little Pony/MLP T-shirt?"

"...Only thing i liked..."



The nurse called out to us catching our attention and we quickly entered the Room...I was caught off guard when i saw the chair and they had to give you a Shot...

I started crying as Loonie was no where to be found
"Dude...You're so clingy...."

"I'm sorry....But i just miss Her so much!!"

"I thought Balloon was a Boy?"

"Oh no, She's Bigender...So he uses both He/Him and She/Her pronouns after accepting himself"


Balloons POV:

I heard Mephone in the background thinking of the next challenge while i continuesly build Sandcastles and draw Me and Nickel in the sand...I was waiting for Mephone to announce the season finale so i can finally go back with my.....Bae.....Ehehe....

"....Dammit....Why did i decide to vote you off?...."
I cried now regretting my descision of his elimination....I really am an idiot....Huh?....

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