Hey Balloon....(part 1)

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Nickels POV:

I yawned as i woke up, A knock then came from our door and i had no choice hut to answer it because...MY BoyFRIENDS SLEEPING >:(

Anyways, I got up and went to the door


"Listen here, I know you two arent on good terms but i want you to be nice to her..."


"Au Revoir, Dirtbag"

I slammed the door shut, Waking up Balloon...

"AHHH!!!!.....OH GLUB I THOUGHT......Whew, I thought i died!! Haha...."

"...You okay??"

"No...Aww my Brea- I mean....Chest....Hurts....Aghh..."

"....Why'd you say-


I walked up to him and layed down next to him, I leaned onto him trying to calm him down...Before eventually saying
"Try clenching your butt cheeks-
"Why the hell would that wor-

Balloons POV:

I playfully smacked Nickel and just laughed with him...

That was a really close one.....Silvia :)

....Go away....

Nope!! I'll be here forever until you die!! All Alone :)


I didnt answer her anymore....It would just be a waste of time....


After eating Breakfast we heard OJ make an Announcement
"Guys, We have a new guest coming. Be nice to her."

"...I wonder who...."
Nickel said, We both walked outside curious until watching a Taxi pull up to the Hotel. Suitcase then came out of the hotel excited as soon as the person came out of the car. And that Person was

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