A Huge Surprise

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Balloons POV:

"Wait we're on break?!"

"Yup, You guys will be staying in Hotel OJ until the production of episode 17"

Silver: "What about floor?"

Blushes "....None of your buisness"
We were all suddenly teleported to the hotel and-

Oj: "HI-....Oh hi balloon....Wait all of you got the boot?"

Cabby: "No, we're just on break"

Oj: "okay Pinker, Room is next to Testtubes room at floor 7, Silver is next to painbrush and Fans room at floor 3 and Balloon and Nickel stay in their old room floor 6."

Balloon: "Who took care of my greenhouse OJ?"
....It was Bomb...BOMB, BRUH. I could list off more than one reason why i dont want him near my garden! But it was surprising when my garden survived....I'll give him that....Anyways, We went to our rooms and before me and Nickel could even enter our room Baseball greeted us...

Yep, I think it's time to bring back the tape recorder or atleast crazy Testtube. I thought to myself as Baseball and Nickel kept talking, It was nonstop...Nickel talked about his relationship (us hehe) while Baseball talked about how lonely he was in the hotel. I was now starting to get Ticked really bad so i just opened the door to our room and went inside to look for my tape recorder. I left to go and look for Candle or Testtube and luckily they were here. (Crap went down abt how Balloon talked about his feelings while candle and testtube gave him advice)

Nickels POV:

"And- Hey wait a minute, Where did my Boyfriend go?...."


"Balloon? My boyfriend?"

"Oh right, I think he went upstairs to hang out with Suitcase..."

"But suitcases room is downsta-"

"Ehhh who cares? What were you about to say?"

"....Lets continue this another time, I'm gonna go find Balloon..."
I went around Baseball and headed to the elevator to start looking for him.

(cliffhanger yw also grandma's wifi is wack)

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