One Rose...

388 7 36

Nickels POV:

"And he just yelled at me all of a sudden!....I-i dont know why Candle!!..."

"....I think i know why.....Balloon has something known as PTSD, Or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Where he randomly starts getting flashbacks of something bad that happened....Like the time his hand started burning from his Rose Allergy. Or the time you cheated on him with Baseball..."

".....S-so he's just like me?...."

"A little....He doesnt have Trauma or Brain damage like you but he does have something similar to that. He has PTSD,Dyslexia,ADD and a couple Allergies and Phobias....The fear of Water,Spiders,The dark,being Alone,Left alone,Dying,Dying Alone and....Roses......Hs's also Allergic to a couple fruits,roses,plants and some rocks...Most noticably Rubies,Emeralds and Diamonds."

"....I-i never knew...."

"And that's why you should be more careful around him, If you're not careful his PTSD could trigger even more frequently causing him severe paranoia...."

"I-i'll try....Thanks Candle...."

"You're welcome Nickel...."
I sat next to balloon sad after i left Candle's house. He looked at me with an angered face but i just sighed and leaned on his shoulder, Expressing my deep Guilt and Remorse.
"Balloon...I-i'm sorry for locking you in the Greenhouse and giving you the wrong seeds one time...."

"...It's refreshing to hear you actually apologise Nickel.....I-i forgive you...."
I smiled and slept on his shoulder happily

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