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Nickels POV:

We walked towards Coiny's house still unsure, I looked at my surroundings until i spotted a Telephone nearby. I put in a couple quarters and entered Balloons Number.


"Nickel!! Oh my gosh!! It's been a long time, Huh?...."

"Hehe!....It is.....Please come back....I'm scared...."

"...Okay Nickel.....I will...."
We both said our goodbyes and i contjnued walking to Coiny's house.

We finally arrived and when the door opened, His parents gave me a weird look....

"Coiny! You're home!...Who's your uhh Friend?...."

"This is Nickel! He's my Best Friend next to Pin,Needle and Firey!"

"...I see...."

We walked into the house and it weirdly felt....Nostalgic....

The decoration to the furniture placement...It felt oddly familiar...

"Mom....Is it okay if i ask for some Money?...."

"Sure what for?"

"For a DNA test!!"
I wasnt listening to Coiny and his Mom...I was staring at tgeir family portrait....It looked wierdly cut o-AHHG-

He ran back to the hospital while dragging me with him, i was screaming in fear....i dont like fast things :3

And whsn we arrived....


I ran up to her and hugged him tightly (no arm style ofc)
We were both crying bc we both missed each other, i completely forgot about coiny lol...

And this is the part where i gave up!!! :')

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