The Dream....

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(Based off of a Comic me and my friend: BFBGAYSHITISGOOD made in r2.Whiteboardfox)

Nicke1s POV:

I walked up the hill where i saw Balloon just sitting under the willow tree under the moon light....Oh Meeple....He looked so cute...I walked up to him and weirdly startled him. He looked sweaty and nervous making me suspicious of him....

"What were you doing all alone here under Our Willow Tree??"

"O-oh! I-i-i uhh I-i was just writing some Poems!!....Yeah...."

I nodded oddly suspicious of him, Until i saw our heart name...Why was it crossed out?? :)

"Hey Balloonski, Why is our Hearted Name scratched out??"

"I-it is?! I-i didnt notice haha!!...."

I was about to walk away but....I didnt, Instead....

B41100NS POV:

I was pushed away by Nickel who turned around the Willow Tree and saw...Wait Suitcase?....

"Suitcase?? N-no this cant be real! Balloon You're joking arent you?!...."



"....I'm Sorry N1ck3l....."

"If you are.....T-then....Then...Then Why?!....."

".....I-i....I dont know.....I was just walking in the Hotel and- And...A-and all of a sudden i asked Su1tC4s3?? Out on a date.....But.....I dont Know Why......"

Suddenly Nickel just Stood there....Staring at me......

Staring at me

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