New Legs?

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Balloons POV:

I woke up on Testtubes metal bed with a huge headache, I couldnt even move my-m-My-M-MY LEGS ARE GONE-
(Insert screams of pain)

Testtube:  Welp time to go upstairs and give him his new legs, Nickel. Wanna come?



Nickel: Wait you two were dating-

(More screams of pain)
I was then hushed by Testtube who managed to calm me down with a ro-....
(Insert even more screams of pain)

I quickly grabbed nickel and hugged him tightly in fear as i felt like i couldnt breathe, I felt like the room was closing in on me and i was suffocating, It looked like the Rose was growing and sprouting even more vines the more i looked at it and the light started to darken as i breathed even more. My breathes were heavy and fast as i was now sweating terribly and looking around frantically, My fear of Roses has now become even worse ever since the incident with the greenhouse happened...I couldnt even watch a show or movie in peace without screaming everytime a rose appeared....Suddenly i was Shushed again by Testtube, She pointed at my le-....Prosthetics and helped me try them, Took me a very long time to walk again as...They were new and they werent my old legs, Atleast they dont need to be charged though, Just put in 2 double A batteries and you're good to go!
"Oh wow...T-thanks Testtube...."

"....Also uhh You're now tall...."


"Yeah, Try pressing that small little button on the side"
I pressed it and i instantly became taller(exactly 6ft)...
(Insert screams of joy)
I ran out the hallway and continued screaming happily

Nickels POV:

I was surprised when Balloon ran out of the room and continued scre- Wait why does he sound like a girl?...WHAT THE FU-

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