The Shopping Trip

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Balloons POV:

'That....That dream still scares me....Does Nickel not really love me??.....' I thought to myself for hours no end until Nickel came up to me

"Hey Balloon, OJ's taking everyone out shopping. Wanna come?"

I smiled and followed Nickel to OJ's Van, A lot of the Hotel's residents came actually...

Testtube, Bot, Fan, Lightbulb, Cabby, YinYang, Knife, Trophy, Suitcase-


.....I never really took her as the type to like shopping....

We arrived at the mall a few hours later and we all went in seperate directions...Except for Me and Nickel and i guess Lightbulb and Knife....Forgot they were dating-

I headed to a random store and looked at a lot of the items they had for sale (he was in a girly store ^^) I saw like Trophy and Cheesy in here so i felt more comfortable to browse through the clothes and decorations.

Nickel finally found me and looked at me confused.
"...Why are you in the girls store??"

"...We-w-well....Well I-i was looking for items to use for my Cosplay!....Yeah..."

"...Who're you cosplaying as?"



Nickel yanked on my shirt with his mouth and tried to pull me to the store, I laughed and walked with him.
"I'm so strong >:)"

"Yeahh, So strong...;)"

"But i am!! >:v"

"Yeahhh! I bet you could left me all by yourself!"

"...If only i had hands"

"...Okay yeah i'm sorry...."

"It's okay, I guess"
We entered the store that sold a bunch of MLP merch, Nickel started scowering the place looking for onsies while i just looked around. I then saw that they had a bucket full of LGBTQIA+ pins and decided to look for my sexuality.

Nickels POV:

"Hey balloon i found the Onsies!!....What are you looking for?"

"Oh just some pins..."

"Oh cool, Can you hand me a Gay pin?"

"Yeah in a moment, Still looking for the Tr- I-i mean Demiboy pin!...Yeah..."

"...I never knew you also used They/Them pronouns"

"I just feel a bit more comfortable with them..."

After a while he finally handed me the Gay pin but refused to show me the other pin he took....Kinda Sus dont ya think?

We bought the onsies and pins and headed for the ice cream place where i was met with Coiny.
"Nickel, Hey!!"

"Hey Coiny...Hey Balloon, I'd like a Mint choco ice cream :3"


"Thanks! Anyways, You need something Coiny??"

"Yeah, My dads been looking for my brother for years now. He said he was a gray coin like You and Nickel...Oh wait..."

"I'm sure he'll find your brother, Wait a minute...You have a brother??"

"Yeah a lot of them!! Wad of cash is the eldest, Cent is the 2nd eldest, Me and my supposed twin brother are the third eldest, Then Nickel is the Middle child...That dad actually cares about....And then theres the youngest, Dollar jr"

"Oh....S-such a large family!!"

"I even have a lot of sisters!! Like Yen, Rolled up Buck and Penny"

"....Kinda jelous your families THAT big..."

"...Trust me, You dont want it."


"Yeah...Anyways, Bye Nickel!"

"Bye...Good luck on finding your brother...."
I said to him, But no responce...I turned around and saw Balloon holding 2 cups of ice cream in his hands


"Haha sorry!!....Anyways, You looked a lot like Coiny."


"You two look similar...Anyways here's your ice cream! ^^"


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